Good Movie

Watched this last night before bed. Didn't read any of the reviews beforehand. Definitely had a few questions. Why would the girl run to an abandoned beach? Why weren't there any flashbacks of the mother and Lucas together? I think that would have made their relationship more real to the audience. In a couple of scenes I thought that the set design and lighting were possibly not given enough thought. In other scenes, I thought they were great. We later find out that the girl was heavily medicated and under medical supervision. So that explains a lot. Overall though, I thought the story was interesting and played out well. I thought all the lead actors did a fantastic job. Their performances were very genuine. This is not a horror film, so for those expecting a horror you may be disappointed. It is more of a supernatural drama and compels you to think. So if you don't like thinking, this film may not be for you. I personally enjoyed it enough to write my first review after having been an IMDB member for over a year.


Spoiler. ...I agree it's a good movie, good acting. My questions are more toward the father. My take on it was that the medication had nothing to do with her experiencing relationship with her father. Those bad guys obviously kept Samantha drugged for several years in hopes that she would not remember the events surrounding the death of her mother. I believe that her father was there to help her understand the truth and get through the quilt. Is Jack or Lucus the real father of the boy? How was the baby removed? Was Samantha guilty of the killing, I don't think so. I have questions though, which is a good thing. Good for discussions with friends. Some of us disagree about who is the boy's dad.

