MovieChat Forums > Superman: Requiem (2011) Discussion > Did anyone keep watching after they saw ...

Did anyone keep watching after they saw Superman?

Ok....I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of crap for this, but I couldn't help but stop watching after I saw Superman appear in the beginning. He was way to skinny, had no heroic presence, and what the hell was up with him wearing Supergirl's short cape? As a true Superman fan, I can't bring myself to watch the rest of this horrible abortion of a film. I normally sit through most films until the end before I make any sort of judgment on the film.....but this made me physically ill within the first 5 minutes. On a side note, I was wondering how they got the rights to use John William's theme...


Hahaha! I've just stopped watching as soon as he struggled out of the water with the kid!

They misunderestimated me.


His big nose and skinny physic threw me off, geez I have a more built body than the guy playing him.


I don't understand why movies like this are even made. No actors, no sets, horrible effects, horrible costumes. Why bother?


It's a FAN FILM!! They do it for love of the subject and a whole host of other reasons - hence the miniscule budget. And it's free! (Warner Bros were OK about it, so why does everyone bash it so? It is what it is.)
