Beat my expectations...

Actually a funny film that seemed more to the fable than SWATH. I wont lie, yes parts are corny but on the whole its an enjoyable film withe GREAT sets and stunning costumes. Tarsem's an ace with creativity detail, the fall's still my favourite of his but this is amazing for the eye. Personally i think it got a bad release date, this film has more of a christmas festive vibe running through it than a march release date. It probably would have made more dollar if it was released in december. Finally lily collins sh'ts all over kristen stewart and the action scenes are well directed


I haven't seen Snow White and the Huntsman so I can't compare the two, but I also was surprised at how much I enjoyed Mirror, Mirror. The trailers made it seem bland and uninteresting, but the actual movie was fun. And Lily Collins was a good (and extremely pretty) Snow White. I gave it a 7/10.


Based on the trailers alone, I thought I was going to enjoy Huntsman more... wow! I was so wrong! I wish those $3 I paid to watch Huntsman in theaters went to Mirror, Mirror!

I was so disappointed by Huntsman, I ended rooting for the Queen! Mirror, Mirror actually knew they were a goofy film and they weren't trying to do anything more than that. Snow White in Mirror is much more realistic than Stewart's Snow (learning how to fight), and she was more confident too:

"When I was a child I read fairy tales where the prince saves the day. Well, I think it's about time to change that!"
--> Something around those lines.

The movie really did surprise me! I got a lot more out of it than the other movie did.

