What might have been....

There isn't another person on earth that loves Whit's films more than I do. I enjoyed this one too. The thing that frustrates me is that the dialog between Violet and Rick DeWolfe was the strongest in the entire film. Zach Woods was doing a very decent rendition of a young Chris Eigeman at the meeting for the Daily Complainer.

I think Whit wanted to take things in a different direction for this film but there could have been a great storyline that pitted Charlotte and the girls against Rick DeWolfe that might have been great. Perhaps a romance could have developed between them too. The numerous nitwit guys that were given more screen time were somewhat amusing but it was getting old by the end. I just didn't care about them much because they weren't that interesting. I think Whit's dialog works best when the characters are intelligent, even if some of them aren't actually "nice".

Just my 2 cents...


I thought they'd take it in that direction too. I was expecting more to come from the whole Daily Complainer scene later on in the film and was disappointed when there wasn't. Rick and Violet would have been very interesting together.

Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.
