
No disrispect, but how and why did you sink 10 grand into this? The special effects are pretty decent to be honest, but can all be achieved by using off the shelf editing software. Doesnt look like you had to hire an editing suite.

What's it shot on? I'd be surprised if it's even a 5d.

Where in Gods name did you find your cast? They are truly shocking. I hope they are friends of the filmakers and not real actors? If they are, bit of advice lads. Stick to waiting tables.

Everyone was about 17 or 18 as well. I know 10 grand doesnt go far in this industry, but given the nature of this project, I would emagine that most of it was done for free or as favours?

Well done for putting this together, and some of the camera work shows flair, and style, but for me, I cant see where your money has gone, or why you chose to use it on a 40 minute film. Where can you market that?

With 10 grand you could have made a really punchy 5 minute piece with far better production values that would have sold you a lot better in my opinion. It could have gone into some good festivals and you could have hired real actors and crew.

Hope this doesnt come across too harsh. Im no expert, and certainly haven't done anything myself. Just offering an opinion.


You've gotta be kidding me...for 10,000 pounds this is a truly remarkable film. There was really very little that pulled me out of the reality this film set out to achieve, not to mention it was quite compelling to watch (assuming you like zombies movies, which I admittedly do).

Sure it had it's shortcomings here and there, but that's to be expected with such limited resources and experience from the cast and crew. Essentially, with 20,000 pounds at their disposal they could have created a full length feature film with more dialogue, fuller narrative, and even more gripping action sequences. It's really a shame they didn't have the budget for that, but what they created with Zomblies is quite impressive none the less.

Most people (probably you included, and me for sure) have seen far worse movies that cost far far more. I can understand your confusion over where the money was spent, but good film-making has a way of making the budget invisible to the audience and instead drawing them into the world on the screen. I think this endeavor did just that, and I hope it gets the recognition it deserves.


In your dreams Queequegg.

Just another plotless pointless run, shoot and scream zombie movie.

To answer the OP. I'd think the money went into the jets flying overhead, the gun turrets and shooting effects.
