Russell Wong

anyone think his cameo was a bit "what the hell is he doing here?"

it also didn't sound like most of the mandarin speaking was done by him, or was I hearing wrong?


A-list stars make cameos. Russel Wong, a B actor, is simply working.


It may have been he would appeal to the Asian American audience.


Well, I kind of thought that a little... but I knew he could speak Chinese (albeit with an American accent, it seems) I agree with the other posters that it was probably to appeal to an American/Western audience. I hadn't gotten to hear him speak much Chinese before so it was interesting! Well, I should say Ching-lish? haha He's a handsome guy though, so I'm not complaining!


Wong is losing his good looks but he is a good actor and this movie didn't give him the chance to act much. I hope he gets more meaty roles.


Ohhhh, thanks for the name. I've seen Russell Wong in several roles in U.S. films, surprisingly playing a bad guy in that Amy Chan film about stories from her mother. He should be in more films -- is more than just a handsome guy to play romantic leads.
