tony was a big loser!

Seriously who does that? Tries to marry one of his ex girlfriends friends just because he thought he got her pregnant? And still tells his ex girlfriend he loves her? wtf. Cute movie though.


He was doing the right thing.

I wouldn't say he was a loser for trying to give the kid the right life.

This movie really did tend to southern tradition. If you aren't familiar with southern culture, then I guess Tony would seem like a loser. (? I don't see how, he was basically owning up to what he did.)


I live in the south and i still thought he was a loser. Just because he thought he got her pregnant is no reason to marry. In fact unhappy marriages can do more damage to a child than having two single parents. Maybe if this movie was made sixty years ago it would make sense but now even in the south we have progressed far enough that it is okay for a single woman to have a baby. he could have very easily just supported her and the baby but refused to marry her.

Hank! I had my pubes shaved. I'm gonna put them under the pillow for the tooth fairy!


Keep in mind Kaitlin's family did things KAITLIN'S way. She convinced Tony that she was pregnant, to keep him, and to keep her house. The poor guy just got caught in the middle. Even the sleeping with her thing after Rachel and he broke up. Stuff happens, and it in no way makes him a douche. He tried to do the right thing when he found out that Bitchizilla was "pregnant".

I'm not finished!
Oh yes you are Captain... I mean Fraulein.


I thought it was more messed up that he and his girlfriend broke up for a few days and he went and slept with one of her best friends.
