Worst spoof ever?

Does anybody feel this is the worst spoof movie ever made? I've been a big fan of the spoof movies over the years and I haven't seen one as bad as this and that is saying a lot. Considering what they had to work with in regards to what they are spoofing, it isn't hard to reason why this was just a horrible film.

If there are those out there that feel another deserves this award, please list your choice and explain why you feel your nomination is more deserving than "Vampires Suck".

Wheeeeeeattttonnnnn!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4K2R8L0jcA


No, actually I was quite impressed. I suppose this means we all have different opinions.
sing-a-long :"duh duh duh...duh duh duh duh -duh duh......"

The actress that portrayed Bella did all of Kristen Stewart's awkward twitches, blinking, always putting her hair behind her ear. It was little things like that which made it more than just a basic movie spoof.


I'm afraid I have to disagree. This was probably the funniest spoof movie to come out since Not Another Teen Movie, and Scary Movie and follows along the same guidelines of comical delivery. All of the ones in the span of the last 7 years or so have been atrocity after shoot-me-in-the-face atrocity, with each getting progressively worse than the previous.

I was totally taken by surprise by how much this movie was cracking me up. Yeah, it still has its gut wrenching moments, but at least the movie is not only watchable, but rewatchable as well. The actors portraying Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattingson were dead on in their mannerisms, and they alone made this movie work.

- The General has spoken.


Op is rght this film was horrible.

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!

