MovieChat Forums > Vampires Suck (2010) Discussion > Why do people who hate these movies keep...

Why do people who hate these movies keep watching them?

So many people say stuff like "I hate everything these morons make." Yet unbelievably they keep going to see them and make exactly the same complaints. I haven't seen one of their movies and will take people's word for it that they're all total garbage. But seriously it seems pretty obvious that all you'll see in these films is a load of lame gags related to current cultural trends and recent films. You might make the quote about hating everything these morons make, but I'll be blunt. If you keep going to see them anyway you're the moron while these guys must be geniuses as they are doing what everyone else dreams of doing, making millions with as little effort as possible and no doubt spending the rest of their time watching movies to collect ideas to parody.

