MovieChat Forums > Vampires Suck (2010) Discussion > Anneliese van der Pol looked rough in th...

Anneliese van der Pol looked rough in this!

I thought she looked immense on That's So Raven, and I haven't seen her since. Looked old and haggid, and looks like she's put on weight. I wouldn't say she's fat, far from it, but she did look very, err, frumpy? in it.

Is that how she looks these days or was it just for her role in this film? I spent most the movie wondering whether it actually was her or someone who looked strikingly similar until the credits rolled.


I agree although I think a lot of it had to do with her clothing. Very frumpy/ugly looking clothing.

Anybody order a Love Burger? Well done


that year wasn't her best - look wise.

recently saw her at Show at Barre's For The Record shows. she's looking amazing.

she looked drop dead beautiful as Elle Driver in a nurse's outfit for her Kill Bill scenes.
