MovieChat Forums > Vampires Suck (2010) Discussion > Movies you have walked out on

Movies you have walked out on

What movies did you walk out of? I have walked out of quite alot...

I walked out of:

Vampires Suck
Lottery Ticket (didnt know what to expect...)
A Sound of Thunder
Leprechaun 2 (I know I didnt have much to expect...)
Date Movie
Dance Flick
Who's That Girl?
Jonah Hex
Shrek 3 (sat through 90% of it)
Yours, Mine, and Ours
Tornado! (sat through 90% of it, but I walked out at the reDICULOUS ending, and no, I'm not talking about Twister, which was awesome.)

And I walked out of Critters 2 and Monsters Inc. because I was about to get sick for some reason, I love both movies.

I fell asleep during There Will Be Blood, and I never wanted to rent it because it was BOOOOOOORING!!!!!!!

In case you might wonder why I have walked out of so many movies, is because I have a job where people pay me to see and review movies for my local town.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.



yep this is the first movie in my life i have ever walked out of. i usually just stay through em but this movie sucked so much balls i couldnt stand it. i mean there was not ONE funny part. its sad how *beep* it is. im serious. shazaam would make me laugh more than this. what a sad attempt at a good movie

shame on the producers and ken jeong for being on this diarrea turd.


just one movie i walked out on. twilight, didn't know what it was when i walked in on it. so many people it was easy to sneak in. yet i stayed watching this peice of crap. after my hatred of twilight grew. the only reason i stayed was because i was with friends and i was making them laugh better then the movie.



so you went to see vampire suck after walking out of Date Movie
and Dance Flick ?




Quick question....

Why would you walk out on a movie you paid for? Especially since it doesn't matter that you refuse to watch the rest because you already paid?

If you are reading this signature,
step one of my evil plan is complete!


@wizardguyboy15 that's the way I look at it, I don't care how *beep* a movie is (and boy have I paid to see some *beep* ones) but i'm not gonna leave if I payed 8-9 bucks for it. at home, that is a different question. there have been many MANY films that I have turned off while watching them at home. film's include:

Let The Right One In ( I Don't get the love for this movie!!!)

Night Watch (Even though I do plan on watching the rest of it because, although it sucks, the sequel looks badass, and I don't want to be too confused when I watch it.)

9th Company

Aliens (again, don't understand the love for this film!!)

The Toxic Avenger

Clerks (got 80-90 percent of the way through it, had to go some where and never could bring myself to ever finish it.)

Aeon Flux

Mega Piranha

Hot Tub Time Machine (although I do plan on rewatching when it comes to instant stream on netflix, which i think is either March first or April first)

The Ladykillers

Far Cry

Halloween II (Remake)

Over Her Dead Body




Turned off 28 days later the first time I saw it, but after a second viewing I loved that movie( that's happened to me alot, but that's a totally different subject in and of it's self!)

I'm sure there is more, none come to mind at the moment though.

"I Eat Green Berets For Breakfast. And I'm Hungry!"


movies I've rented that I've turned off before they were over.

Eden Log

I thought I was the only poor soul who wasted her life watching this film. No...I lie. I was watching it with my brother and I fell asleep several minutes in. HE was the poor soul who wasted his life watching this film. He woke me up later on and told me that I didn't miss much and that it was a piece of garbage. Although, I hate to admit that I was the poor moron who threw away nineteen bucks at walmart buying that waste of cinema for him. He begged me to. What could I do? He was a sci-fi fanatic and is my little brother. I still felt rotten about it though. They wouldn't take the dvd back or give me my money after I fibbed and said the dvd was faulty. They offered to exchange the faulty one for a working one but refused to pay be back. (Curse you Wal-Mart!)


I've only walked out of one: Sherlock Holmes and that's only because I was seeing it with my grandpa and he didn't like how creepy it was getting and made us leave, lol.

If I had seen this in theaters, though, I would have definitely walked out.

Jessie's right, Woody - She was wrong.


I walked out on Robocop 2 and went to talk to the popcorn vendors, because my friend wanted to finish the movie. I stopped the dvd of that space movie Queen Latifah was in (it's so bad, I forgot the name.)

You don't make friends with salad.



Never have I walked out on any theatrical movie, as I have the sense to not waste the time or ten dollars I paid to see it. If you honestly can't do a 2 minute Google search to see whether or not you'd watch the entire film, then I feel sorry for you.

Not every movie is for everyone, but people should be smart enough to know what they're getting into before forking over their money. Their fault for not informing themselves.

Generally, this series of spoof movies is freaking horrible, but does that mean I have to go to the theater to waste time and money to figure that out?

I see what I want to see, or get it online. An example of my point, is that I've never seen nor care to see Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Super Hero Movie etc. However, I made a point to rent and see Dance flick, and Vampires suck. Because they parody two genres I hate with every fiber of my being. I laughed my ass off and had a good time like I knew I would.

I saw the ones I wanted to, and skipped the ones I didn't.Simple as that.

By the way, watching portions of movies you walked out on, and "reviewing" them does not make you in any way shape or form a reliable critic. It makes you an impatient child looking for things to hate.

IMDb: Your every movie site, for EVERY movie sight!


I said in the original post that it's my part time job, to see and review movies for my city, and they pay me. Can't you *beep* read? The only movies I have walked out on with MY money is Tornado!, and Who's That Girl?.

So even if the movie sucks balls and I have 100% fear of seeing, I still have to see it. Trust me, I would NEVER see Vampires Sucks with MY money, no way!

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


I dont review ALL the movies I see in theaters. If I did, I would suffer from severe burnout and fatigue, mainly because I see A LOT of movies, and because its my 2nd job. I get paid to see movies in theaters, and I review around 3 to 5 of them that are pretty quick, 2 sentence long reviews, along with other details. Here's an example of most reviews I right:

TOY STORY 3: This film is a perfect sequel. It scores an A+ in story, animation, characters, plot, humor, drama, and just about everything else. Brilliant animated film that will most definantly get some Oscars.

PROS: Just about everything
CONS: I feel the main villain should have gotten the axe, instead of living.

Rank: 10/10 A must see.

That is one example of one of my reviews. Easy to write, and I get easy money, and I've done that since 1994. I dont review movies that I walked out on, only the ones that I sat through at least 90% of the movie (like Vampires Suck).

And about that "impatient child" quote you called me...yah, what child has seen Leprechaun 2? Or Who's That Girl? Or Tornado? Or A Sound Of Thunder? Seriously bro, I'm sure 99.7% of kids have never even HEARD of those movies.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


Im 13 nd Ive heard of ll of those except Whos That Girl. And yes, I own Leprachaun on DVD. (assuming you are refering to the horror film)

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
I am the self declared Destroyer of Jokes!


I have never walked out of a film, ever. If I am paying good, hard earned cash on something, I am sitting through every second of it, trailers and credits included. No matter how bad movies are, I always make the best of it.

Now, for rentals or films I have purchased, I have turned off several of them and never finished them, though it's rare. There are even a few that I wanted to turn off, but since I am reviewing them I cannot turn them off.

Movies Last Seen
Soul Kitchen: 4/5
Howl: 3.5/5
Fair Game: 4/5


I've only walked out of the theater for one movie in my entire life. It was Transformers. I would NEVER pay to see a movie like Vampires Suck in the theater, but I did oreder it from netflix and watched about 30 minutes before turning it off. 30 minutes without ever laughing or smirking once.


By the way, watching portions of movies you walked out on, and "reviewing" them does not make you in any way shape or form a reliable critic. It makes you an impatient child looking for things to hate.


You can't review a movie if you haven't seen the whole thing. At least that's my policy...

I am pro-CHOICE, not Pro-Abortion.

