MovieChat Forums > Vampires Suck (2010) Discussion > Actually a very funny movie!

Actually a very funny movie!

When I look at the spoof movies that have come along, the parodies of popular films that have come out,...this is one of the better ones to show up. The actors did an exceptional job in their roles. They pulled some of the best highlights of the original and played them off beautifully. Great casting, great acting, and very clever. Becca totally nails the Bella-esque character. Even James working at A&F. The mannerisms and subtle cues portrayed are picked up on very well. Plus it has enough "real" moments to make you giggle. But it goes beyond that. ALL the characters went way above and beyond what I would expect from a "spoof" flick.


I don't get all the hate.

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


I liked it too.

First of all, I laughed. Secondly, I especially enjoyed Jenn Proske's imitation of the way Kristen Stewart played Bella Swan.

I think this movie has a BIG problem. It will only be enjoyed by people who like Twilight and know it well, but don't take it too seriously, AND like SPOOFS. There just aren't enough of us.



True, true. I don't get all the hate. Might be the purists?

But I loved the originals, I'll admit it. But as you said, if you can take yourself out of it and just not take it too seriously, you'll see this movie did an excellent job of picking up on the finer details and nuances of the flicks. Not to mention, some of the things spoofed, I'm sure we all sort of thought about in one regard or another....

The A&F models being shirtless, the rebound tea, the recasting,...there were a lot of things they nailed brilliantly. There were only a few things I found like it didn't really belong, but mostly, they picked up on the best parts.

I laughed particularly AT the details. The little things only fans would pick up on, seeing them spoofed this well is a treat.
Sic vis pacem para bellum.


This doesn't have much to do with your post, but I keep seeing the image in my mind of the Dad carrying Bella (Becca) in the baby-carrier. For some reason that was funny to me. There's a good outtake from the baby-carrier scene.

2012 is a BANNER year for superhero movies!


Well, comedy is subjective.


Well you are the type of person this movie is made for then, i mean someone has to make movies for kids and the slow people or people with ADD / ADHD.

I did not laugh at any point during this movie, i thought it was worse then TWEENLIGHT and the directors need to stop making movies


It's true, humor is entirely subjective. This movie was not funny though, it was FREAKING HILARIOUS.

I was busting a gut the entire time, each actor did an extraordinary job spoofing the characters. I wish Jenn Proske played Bella in the movies, because she truly personifies how bland the character actually is, while shockingly bringing charm to the character.

I'm not here to rip on Twilight, but I know I enjoyed it more than most because I don't enjoy the original. It was a very well written spoof, very Mel Brooks. I agree and think this is one of the better parodies to come out in a while. shall give birth to a fully-grown midgit in pirate regalia...


Hey, everybody...I alops lvoed it....

1.The Cullens seeing blood and visualizing (this is an old time classic cartoon gag) "Becca" as a "Bob Big Boy's" burger

2.The Angst Level!

3."Frank" carrying Becca

4.The running Kardashians references.

5.The similiar Canadians references.

6.The Jersey Shore/Black Eyed Blyes references.

7.,The chhuahua gag (Beverly Hills CHuahuahua?)

8.And a special \cameo by Buffy the VAMPRIE Slayer!!


I loved this movie and couldn't stand Twilight since all these women I knew started to describe and tell me how awesome all those novel were. I watch it whenever it comes on TV.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
