Thanks to Becca

This movie is awful. not funny at all. I wanted to turn it off after the first minute passed. The only reason I sat through the whole 1 hour is because the main actress is like really hot. And her bitting her lip and talking about how horny she was all the time helped a little.


She was the best part of the movie! Her KS impersonation was spot-on, it had me in awe of her. What a great job she did!

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


Agreed, her K-Stew was almost a better impression than Kristen could do of herself!



I thought it was funny. My wife made me sit through half of one of those horrible Twilight movies, it was all I could take. But the actress making fun of Kristen Stewart's gasping-instead-of-acting in this spoof was hilarious!

"Shut your mouth when you talk to me!"
