Why so serious?

Do people still take rap seriously?


I'm going to guess you have never taken it serious.


After the fresh prince of bel air, m.c.hammer, vanilla ice and snoop, what is left?

Rap has even gone beyond parodying itself... its the most corporate music there is... makes one wonder if there was anything there to begin with...


I would take Snoop the only serious one out of that collection. Your right about new rap. It has a shelf life about 5minutes. And there of course was always something about rap. It was and is a movement like punk music or any kind of music. Its expressionism at it's best. Public Enemy, Ghetto Boys, Nwa, 2Pac, Eminem and countless others.


Yeah... for a short period of time there was somd substance to it and it was aesthetically interesting...

I wonder if this movie does it justice... so people know how its different now...
