Why all the cussing?

Sure, it was funny for awhile. Then there was just a point where it became annoying for me. I don't know if it got that way for anyone else, but it was like Mtv was a 12 year old hanging out with some 17 year olds, and cussed every 2 minutes to look cool.

And I thought it was weird having Jaden Smith say badass. Hes like, 11, sure he's an actor but I didnt think it was very necessary or appropriate for him to say it.

But maybe i'm just too lame and "old fashioned". :|


Yeah i was wondering that same thing. It got old really fast. I understand it's about being rebellious and shock factor but damn why are they so desperate for cool points?

And twilight ruined the whole show...again.

If somebody ask are you ticklish, wether you say yes or no...they're going to touch you.


I thought the swearing was excessive and it got on my nerves.


yeah! i felt like hordes of teenage girls voted. im not one to jump on a bandwagon and say "twilight sucks" without seeing it. i did see it, and it wasnt even that good. it was just bearable. best actress and best movie? bull


No, not it's not about being old fashioned it's about having some class. Something the ah.."celebs" who appear on shows like this in this day don't have. I feel this is "low rent" TV and haven't watched in years.


i agree about the having class thing, i just didn't want to sound prude. :)



yeah, they over did it.
