MovieChat Forums > The Encounter (2011) Discussion > Killing women, children, livestock as Go...

Killing women, children, livestock as God cant let sin go unpunished

Oh such a convenient answer to why god commanded the Israelites to murder the cananites. and oh so typical. so why let the vast majority of the world today live? what a joke.

and this constant talk about all these wonderful things he has in store for them. yeah. look at all the christians suffering horribly.

and again, the contradiction. his absurd answer for why he commanded the israelites to murder whole cultures then talking about how horrible the earth is today but god is not going to murder everybody for it. so sin no longer needs to go unpunished?


Your response to "The Encounter" not only reveals your ignorance, but also your inability to watch a film properly. When Yashua (Jesus' proper Hebrew name) died for your sins, He took upon Himself the punishment that you (and I) deserve, because we are BORN sinners - totally different scenario (or Covenant/Testament, meaning 'relationship with God') to the days when the Canaanites had to be killed. Taking The Bible as true (which I presume you don't, but let's pretend for a moment huh?) After Noah's Flood, there was no excuse for anyone not to know God; that He is both a God of Love and God of Justice. But the Canaanites had deliberately (note: THEIR CHOICE) turned away from God, forgetting what He had done (not only killing off all the evil that His world had become, but also saving a remnant to repopulate it, showing how much He loved the world) - He could have completely destroyed the world and started again! So by their own choice the thoroughly corrupt and evil Canaanites got the Justice they asked for (without realising it) at the hands of Gods Chosen people.

But we now live in NEW Testament/Covenenant times! Jesus has taken on the punishment you (and I) deserve, so that you have the opportunity of a restored relationship with God and a fulfilled life after (physical) death. Your rejection of this opportunity is your choice (God respects your free-will, it's how he made you), so don't blame anyone else, not even God! This makes today's situation totally different - but The Bible promises that sin WILL be punished and eradicated. So you can't say you haven't been warned!

Many Christians may be in appalling life-threatening situations measured by worldly standards, but those who know the love and mercy of God in their hearts are infinitely more content, loving and peaceful than non-Christians in far less aweful situations. I can testify to this myself. There are MANY things in my life which I would have differently if I could - and believe I will one day. Becoming a Christian does NOT mean life suddenly becomes a bed of roses! (Hence Jesus' procalmation - "In this world (life) you will have troubles - but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world"). For real testimony to this, read "Faith under Fire" by Andrew White (Vicar of Bagdhad) about Christians in Iraq.

If you'd have watched the film properly, you'd have picked up on many of these points. But your cinicism reveals your pride in your own clever ideas - you're in danger of coming to a sticky end, like Nick in the film did. I wonder if you can ever find the humility to accept Jesus as Your Saviour?


Thank-you for replying to this nonsense.

It's amazing that mostly every Christian book and movie, even on youtube is full of comments from atheists mocking Christ -- Nick, the character who hated Christ revealed a lot.


the problem is that people content themselves with the feeling that they're going to heaven, and so are those who are suffering, so they become complacent, when there is so much more to discover than simply "god did it".


God thinks we should all convert to Judaism
God thinks we must all be Christians and
God thinks we should all embrace Islam
God thinks the only true religion is Hinduism

And I know what God thinks


God is a Liberal, god is a democrat, god want's you to vote republican ;)

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at:


Yep, typical christian canned response. blab about sin and make contradictory statements. Act like christians are the only people living in apalling situations who are content, when in fact it is not the case at all. That is what christians do so well, make up stuff and claim they are the only ones with peace. Claim God is in control, give him credit for all the good things, but not the bad things. You guys are hypocrites at the highest level. You guys define conceit and arrogance. Just read your prideful post. You are dripping with hypocrisy.

Nice little comment at the end. So if I "accept jesus" I have found humility. Yet if I don't do as you believe we should you make the claim I have not found humility. That is no different than a muslim saying that they wonder if you will every find the humility, intelligence or openess to accept Islam as the true religion. Or how about Mormons saying they wonder if you will ever open your mind and heart to know the lord. Or what about athiests saying they wonder if you will ever become intelligent and realize their is no god. You are all hypocrites. However you have a special place in the hypocrisy world as you claim to be a christian, yet by your own words, prove you are not. You don't follow jesus in any way. You follow your own desire to be right and to shove the rightness down the throats of anybody who dares question you.


Not at all, I would presume to say what someone should or shouldn't believe. I may tell someone what I think, but they have a choice of believe or not.


Just as BengoAbroad said, you're obviously ignorant and too prideful in your own clever ideas to see what's right. It's interesting how you don't even see the bigotry and misleading information in your own post, but go around accusing others (lumping them together, all of them, despite you haven't met many Christians in this life) of being hypocritical arrogant people.


But he didn't simply order them to kill all their enemies, sometimes he told them to kill all the men and children and non-virgin women, but keep the virgins for themselves. How convenient. Of course that was because he's a gentleman and I guess he thought gentleman prefer virgins.


Yes, and it has been proven that this is exactly why they kept woman alive. The men used them as sex slaves. But don't let the christians hear this as they will just deny and ignore it as it does not fit their version of god. Man, god was sure a lot different in the old testemant than the new. Funny how he is not really the same from the beginning of time till the end. I guess he just cannot help but to be inconsistent.


So let me get this straight... men kept the VIRGINS for 'sex slaves'?? WTF??
Believe me, when I think about my youthful slutty ways (ah, such good memories too), it ain't the guys with no or little sexual experience (before me) that I remember... it's the slutty guys. So why wouldn't it be the same for men?
It would be. So then it makes sense that if you are gonna keep 'sex slaves' you'd keep the women who were GOOD at it. If I could find that guy again... the one who knew how to do that 'thing' he did so well, believe me, I'd make him MY sex slave.... but the guy who said 'Violetta, twas my first time', fogeddaboudit. (Yeah, Francois, I knew it was your first time, all 5 seconds of it.)

Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


Honestly, you're either willfully ignorant or intentionally creating a ridiculously simplistic straw man. Either way, you don't belong in a serious adult discussion about religion. Stick to internet comment boards where people already agree with you, until you manage to take enough interest in the subject to find the best answers by the best minds to the questions you ask and assertions you make (which, again, are either from an utter lack of knowledge or deliberate misstatement, neither of which keeps you from braying on). I could find an ignorant atheist and take everything he says as an example of the best atheistic arguments and questions too. Doesn't prove a thing, but it would make me a hero amongst fundamentalists, I guess.


I understand your frustration but you are very mis informed. First off as a Christian im not suffering horribly even though my life is in turmoil. I am at peace and have love and joy in me no matter what the circumstance.I know Jesus on a very personal level People cause grief God does not. He will use grief to help others at times. But He never causes it. We suffer because of other people in this world. Ones that destroy life through war. Destroy nations by taking jobs stealing money, population control, and many many other things. Humans are the blame for almost all the suffering in this world. Now as far as natural disasters that is something Jesus warned about. He also warned that because of our sin we will live in a fallen world.

But you need to realize as a just judge he has no choice but to punish sin like a judge punishes a criminal. If a judge was to simply forgive the criminal and let him go he would be a corrupt and lawless judge but if someone came and took that punishment for that criminal then the criminal could be set free just like Jesus will set you free from Gods judgment. If you lie, steal, lust after someone hate someone etc you will have to be punished for those sins. This is Gods standards but since He did know you and I could not do it he died for us and took that punishment. He gave himself to pay for our sins. He was made sin for the world. All he asks is you believe in him and accept this gift. It is simple and should not be offensive.

As far as the old testament genocide you need to understand a few things. First off the Hebrews were literally out of control disobedient child like people who took what should have been about 11 days through the desert 40 years. It was from their sheer stubbornness and at one point God said to Moses that he was going to give up but Moses asked God not to. God got so frustrated with them He was about to hand them over to themselves. Second God was present with the Hebrews in the arch of the covenant and no sin can be in the presence of God so all those laws had to be implemented for that time. It also was to set the extremely disobedient dis respectful Hebrews in line. He needed to bring them to the promised land to set forth generations of people and bring glorify to God so that the world would know Him and stop worshiping things that did not exist. Stop killing each other through human sacrifices and blood baptisms. Self mutilating to false Gods. Performing anal sex and sleeping with everything in sight. Disgusting creatures that were raising more disgusting creatures. The Hebrew text better explains how bad they were.

also at one point the Hebrews had mercy and spared a few and what happened was they were influenced by their culture and turned from
God who was present with them mind you to worship false gods and sin against God. He delivered them from slavery to be turned away from. This is showing why they all had to die because the Hebrews were incapable of obeying God. They also had to die for their great sins and God knew that the generations to come were going to turn out the same way and never repent. In fact by killing children he had mercy on their souls because children do not perish but go to paradise with the Father. Letting them grow old to fully sin against God knowingly and without excuse sends them to hell for they would never have repented and God knew this.

God sent Jesus to die so we could escape the rapture. People in this world are becoming almost as bad as the people of the old testament. Raping babies, murdering women and children. Human trafficking, slavery, causing poverty disease and sickness, aborting millions of babies every year, destroying ourselves through sexual immorality living for me me me me and no regard for others. I could go on and on

What you did was take a few things you thought you knew about the old testament and tried to justify an argument but you failed to study the culture the history the old testament and other ancient literature to realize what it is you are trying to argue. If you knew the truth then you may understand why it had to be done. And there are other reasons on top of those as to why it had to be done... like bring forth Jesus Christ. Without all that death and making way for the promised land Jesus could not come and do the work he needed at the time and place it needed to be done. God didn't waste time trying to save the world people did. If they would have been obedient then it would have come sooner. He also killed them off for no good was in any of them and he wanted all of their existence to be wiped out hence the killing of animals too.

I could go on and on about all the reasons for their deaths, these are a few. No one wants to take the time to try and understand what they are reading but rather criticize something they know very little about. Im in no way putting you or your comment down im just stating that people do not know what those people were like and they did not know what God knew.

I hope this sheds some light on the subject but honestly you need to do some pretty in depth studying to understand the reasons why


You make a lot of assumptions that are quite misinformed. I was a christian. I did quite a bit of "studying." I have studied extensively the old and new testaments. I have completed multiple accredited courses at howard payne university as well has taken multiple courses through local churches. I know the history and culture of the old testament. I also know and understand how Christians, such as yourself, will ignore what does not fit their belief system while picking tidbits that they can manipulate to show how great their god is. You are no different than a muslim or any other religious person who desperately needs to know they are right in their belief. You will go to the extreme's of absurdity to try to make sense of senseless murder by christians and hebrews in the name their god. For example you wrote this,

In fact by killing children he had mercy on their souls because children do not perish but go to paradise with the Father. Letting them grow old to fully sin against God knowingly and without excuse sends them to hell for they would never have repented and God knew this.
This is exactly the type of thinking that leads to the terroristic killing of innocent lives in the name of god. You have become brainwashed to believe that those who do not believe as you do would be better off dead. That is sick. Just as sick as believing that an old man hearing voices in his head that are telling him to murder his only son would do just that. Yeah, that is what Abraham supposedly did. He was willing to murder his own son because he heard voices in his head telling him to do so. Would you do that if you hear a voice in your head saying to kill a child? Would you believe said voice was god or would you seek pychiatric help? Now lets just play devil's advocate as say it was God telling Abraham to murder his only son just to prove his faith to god. Now what kind of god would do such a thing? I could see satan asking somebody to do that. But your loving christian/hebrew god? Really? You believe that your god is so loving he would ask you to murder one of your children to prove it? Oh, that is right, you will then tell me how wonderful your god is because at the last minute he provided a way out. He provided the sacrafice so that abraham did not have to murder his son for god. Geesh man, open your eyes and stop being so blind.


I've always felt that Abraham's call to sacrifice Issac foreshadowed God's own decision to sacrifice Jesus. I recently learned that Judaism does not have an agreed upon explanation for this.


Yes, that is an assertion given by many Christian apologists. However, you still have their "loving God" telling his "faithful servant" to murder his own son in a show of love and faith. I can honestly say that if I were still a Christian and God asked me to murder my son in a show of love and faith I would tell said God to go to hell. If my disobeying of a voice in my head telling me to murder my son to show my faith and love for my God sends me to hell, then so be it.

Celebrating Abraham's attempted murder of Issac is no different than celebrating the murders committed in modern times by the mentally ill who say that God told them to do it.


Bengoabroad and Demonhunter5110: You have presented the truth in the best way possible. You're not responsible for Duncan's lack of understanding.

Obamunism: The end of the Republic.
At times like these, I really hate being right!


I love how (proclaimed) atheists love to criticize and pick apart God like they have any say. Oooh God is so awful that He kills, rapes, condones slavery, blah blah blah. I'm not even going to argue any of that because that is way too lengthy of a discussion. So let's play devil's advocate (pun intended) for a minute and assume that's true. So what? His universe is not a democracy and He can do just as he pleases and NO ONE can do a thing about it. If He wanted to he could draw and quarter you in the most painful way imaginable for all eternity or worse!!. He is absolutely sovereign and answers to no one. He doesn't need or care about your approval at all. We are however, SO fortunate that He does love us (despite us hating Him) and gives us the opportunity for redemption at NO cost. Also, all the bad things that happen to people in their BRIEF time on this earth are not even a fraction of a fraction times infinity of a stubbed toe. A little broader perspective would be beneficial.

I also love the people that say "if that's the kind of God He is I don't want anything to do with Him and I'll take hell". Let us know how that works out lol!! If that's not cutting off your nose to spite your face I don't know what is!!

Listen up people! It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'" - Romans 14:11. He's not asking and there's no discussion. You can bow on your way to heaven or on your way to hell but you will bow. When yo stand in front of Him, you will have no excuse or defense.

Let's be pragmatic. I see three choices:

1. Open your hearts and believe on Him and assure your salvation
2. Roll the dice with your ETERNITY by continuing in your sin of pride and disbelief
3. Start your own universe

I know what I'm doing and I could care less what ANYONE thinks about it.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!



"he has the right to decide who dies, when and how."
So what are we humans then? Just marionettes, just toys for god to play around with? Seems very abusive.


Jesus is love itself and He loves all of us and wants us all to be with Him. Read the book of Job in The Bible. It really humbles you. And makes you realize God loves us.

I belong to Jesus: my Lord, Savior, my eternity, my everything. I love you, Jesus!
