MovieChat Forums > The Encounter (2011) Discussion > Proof Christians cherry pick their scrip...

Proof Christians cherry pick their scripture

And the worst part is they let their clergy train them for it.
When these people walk into churches they have a selected leader who webs together scripture cleverly and to ultimately brainwash them.

The god described in their bible is a vile, despicable, evil creature.
Jesus in fact reaffirmed the old testament but again, this is ignored by clergy and therefore the congregation.
There is too much scripture to quote proving that many of the characters titled prophets in this brilliant work of brainwashing fiction affirmed the old testament as the law of the land.

Furthermore Jesus isn't even the most effective or influential character of the bible which makes the focus on him a red flag...or false flag if you practice the bible to the letter. Moses and John provide more guidance and influence on the people but this is besides my point.

These books are clearly a science of brainwashing used to create a class of slaves to serve the educated and ensure their progeny are raised into the same deranged beliefs and practices.
The literate and rich and the tyrannical and violent rewrote these books for thousands of years to maintain control.
The groups of people whose superior physicality ranging from brain to brawn whom ultimately wanted to sit on their asses collecting money and being waited on hand and foot.

The evidence disproving the bible is catastrophic for all Abrahamic faiths.

The movie is entertaining but it's the typical dogma of Christians, Muslims and Jews who cherry pick their beliefs from these books because of the generation they were raised in.
Budding technology and idealism.
With education having advanced beyond the clutches of the ruling class the masses are now waking up and atheism has doubled in the span of 10 years going from roughly 8% of the population to 16-17%.
The idea that anything wrong, bad, negative, hurtful etc. is the work of the devil and to question this is of course, wrong, bad, negative, hurtful and evil! lmfao

The problem with movies such as these or for that matter the people who share this view is they don't account for what we know about the brains of certain people.
The psychopath vs the sociopath.
Sociopaths are people whom's brain architecture makes them physically incapable of feeling empathy, guilt, remorse, love etc.
The problem with the devil theory is these people cannot be changed or reached emotionally. They have no choice and the idea that they are possessed by a demon is truly laughable as no exorcism short of involving a lobotomy is going to cure them and odds are the lobotomy would make them worse.

The movie is entertaining and compelling enough to explain to me why people choose to believe this delusion and support one another. Reaffirming the insanity by collectively labeling it sanity.
The god they believe in simply is not written of in their bibles.
In fact polytheism and ritual magic are more practical than monotheism but still just as unrealistic.
Even if you can show or even prove results you do not have an explanation and therein lies the flaw of ALL religion.

There is no humility and the admission that "I could be wrong".

All religion truly does is create a god complex and this then contaminates all other paths of logic producing arrogant people who think they always have the answers or always know something about subjects that are beyond their wildest imaginings which of course includes the source of this deranged train of thought, religion.
