This show rocks! It's for anybody who actually thinks outside of the box as far as food preparation goes. Marcel is an amazing host and the main dude. He's young, hip and awesomely clever. Hands down the very best of the recent barrage of new 'reality shows'. THUMBS UP for the Syfy Channel with Face Off (the Project Runway for the Special Effects folks) and Marcel's Quantum Kitchen, they are definate homeruns.


I liked it too. And they do show quite a bit of food from creativity, concept, experimentation and execution. Nothing else like it on TV. I hope they renew it.

The party planners putting everything together in a few days are very impressive too. And I think almost all of them end up wanting to beat the white tar out of Marcel.

Marcel's still doing his white boy rap posturing when he gets excited, which I find hilarious.


Love the show. His personality is quirky, to be sure.
