Every episode?!?

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that they have to introduce the judges EVERY episode.I know who they are by now and don't care to be told again and again, just get to the makeups already.


They get new viewers every once in a while you know


It's not all about you.



I fast-forward to the close-up look, the collective opinions on the best/worst and announcing
the winner/loser. I rewind if the creations are worth it.

Similar thing on Project Runway where I fast-forward to the judges looking at the clothes from
up close and winner/loser, with again rewinding if necessary. I don't bother with all the bs
happening pre-runway.

Saves a lot of time!

Your cute 🐈 will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's
CATINFO.ORG to prevent it!


At least they don't do an extensive background on each one. It is just 12 seconds of your life. While I do not jump to the end I do make use of the PVR when the drama gets ramped up. This show is relatively light on drama compared to other reality shows but it happens. I do find lately the substance in the working part of the episodes is getting lower and I have tended to brush through that part a lot lately.
