The Problem with this show

I don't like this show and I'll tell you why. Simon de Pury. Who is HE to come in while the artists are in the middle of creating their projects and make them second guess their art? The artists are in the middle of creating and this geezer waltzes in and makes everyone doubt themselves. Can't stand this type of uppity piss elegant self aggrandizement. As if he could create anything himself. I don't like anyone who's mission is to make basically good people doubt their own good abilities.



You are right. I will change it. Thank you.


What? Its basically like art school. Your teacher comes around and questions certain choices to help you create stronger art. He's a mentor, he's there to help them by looking at their art with fresh eyes and probably knows what the judges are looking for. I think it is helpful to have someone who has more experience come around and give you criticism. Most artists have dealt with criticism and it shouldn't bother them.


I agree that criticism can be good but for maximum dramatic tension the producers always seem to send Simon in when there isn't enough time to adequately react to his criticism, so it does come across as unhelpful and disruptive.


yojimboy, It's a tactic to throw the artists off guard and make them second guess, get nervous and doubt their own good efforts. Who the hell is he to put someone off their game? Nine out of ten times I think the artist is on track with what they are creating. I get angry seeing them scrap what they've labored on just because HE says so. If I were there I would have secretly thought, "forget you buddy, I'm doing what excites me regardless of what you think".


It's Tim Gunn of Prject Runway. Though Tim criticism is usually less definitive and more constructive than Simon's declaratives


Same with Isaac Mizrahi. I think these shows should do away with mentors guiding them. It's a contest, not an art class. If they need someone to be a liason for the contestants, fine, but they should keep their opinions about the art to themselves. They should win or lose on their own merit.


Some mentors are better than others. I also watch Project Runway and I think Tim is pretty good at forecasting for the contestants what the judges will like or hate about their work. In that way he is helpful and saves them grief.

Simon seems to be trying for a similar style. He seems to be kindhearted and to have the artists' best interests in mind but I don't know if he is really more help than a cheerleader would be.


You all forget something: The contestants don't have to follow Simon's advice. If they are so sure of their concept, their idea and its execution, they should keep their work of art regardless of anything Simon AND the jury say.

Many of them are looking for an opportunity to live on their work. What's the use of being really talented if you have to waitress to pay your bills?


One of the criticism people usually give to today's art is that it is usually bad executed and it has no meaning at all. Well, Simon tries to tell the truth with nice words.



oh I love simon...he´s the least of the problems of the show, ( I dont want to call them problems, the show is enjoyable and is not going to change the world) but simon is coool...
