So-so movie but...

I absolutely loved the ending! That caught me a little by surprise, not sure I knew where it was going really. Probably a lot of you savvy film goers already had that figured out, but that's why I love movies!


i'm not savvy or anything, but even i called it 30 minutes before the credits, i like open endings tho, so this one gets a pass because it would have been a different genre from that point on.


 only a ninja can sneak up on another ninja 


Yeah, have to say I saw it coming from miles away. I was a bit surprised that it took them so long to figure it out. Frank visited the Bahamas regularly to have a clandestine affair with the same woman, and despite having this knowledge ahead of time they were still confident that he would pony up a million dollars to save his wife? Taking into account that he's also a scumbag of epic proportions, how did they not see this coming? Then, once they have Mickey, she finds it laughable to think that Frank would ever agree to their terms and said as much on multiple occasions. Ordell should have realized once he arrived in Freeport and spoke to Melanie that she was the real prize, but I suppose he was more interested in banging her at the time. She must have been amazed that he wasn't even smart enough to take her hostage, because it was obvious she expected him to in the first place! Even for bungling criminals, these people were pretty dimwitted. Not sure how this measures up to the book, but I can't imagine it does it justice.
