MovieChat Forums > The Revenant (2016) Discussion > There's no way you survive that lol

There's no way you survive that lol

Let me start off by saying the movie was stunningly beautiful, and quite entertaining. The amounts of "Oh *beep* I had was pretty cool for a movie in this day and age.

That being said....

Leo's character got:

-Mauled by a bear - his neck, arm and back completely ripped to pieces and had to be sown together, in the field, with a dirty needle and thread.
-His back got trampled on by a by a beer.
-His leg was completely messed up, possibly broken.

-Then he's semi-burried alive, adding dirt to all your kneck wounds.

-Then a day later (after sleeping out in the open in sub-zero arctic temperature) he crawls for miles is steep snowy terrain.

-A day later he magicly walks again.

-Then he's hunted and almost caught by warrior indians
-Then he's carried away in a frozen river without suffering Hypothermia.

-Then he's shot at by the french.

-Then he falls off a huge cliff, which instantly kills off his horse, but not him.
-Then he sleeps in the cold again, but this time inside his frozen dead horse.

-Then he's in a knife fight with the villian where he gets stabbed through his bum leg (which is fine again) His hand, and got his ear bitten off.

Even if this guy had 9 lives it wouldn't have been enough.
He surived Hypothermia, massive blood loss, mass infection and huge falls in the field.

Still a cool movie, but DAMN! lol.


Well the story is based on ture events. Hugh Glass really did survive that bear attack.


A few points....

A lot of this really happened as it's based off a true story. Apparently, it actually happened in late summer, not in the freezing winter. And because it wasn't freezing, there maggots. Leo's character actually laid down in maggots so they would eat his rotting flesh and it wouldn't get infected.

His leg was badly hurt, but we don't know if it was broken. Certainly your leg could be pretty messed up without it being broken.

In that final knife fight, I wouldn't say he was fine after all of that. It looked like he was again right at death's door and fighting to stay alive again.

I found the floating down the river part in the freezing water to be the most unrealistic, but as it turns out that was something that didn't actually happen (or if it did, it wasn't in the freezing winter temperatures).


Just watched it again and his ankle was completely broken as his foot was facing an unnatural way when he was crawling earlier in the movie. I feel like quite a bit of time was supposed to have elapsed but yeah he did heal a little unrealisticly. Awesome movie though.


Yeah, swimming in ice water holding onto that tree trunk for god knows how long (he did cover quite some distance) is what bothered me the most.


Definitely a fictionalized account of a true story. There was no son murdered and he never did get revenge on Fitzgerald. I still liked the movie
