This is more of a film noir than a thriller.

It reminds me of "Thieves Like Us", which I personally think is Altman's best (pre or post Nashville).

Can't say why others don't like it.


I enjoyed this movie too.

As one of the user reviews says, the casting was great; good acting. There is a nostalgic feeling with a vein of melancholy throughout the whole movie.

It's about the End of the Line and what fella's left behind.

Aidan Quinn, Andy Garcia, and the lonely Mexican whore were enjoyable to watch.

Although the movie is very modern, it also gave me the feeling of watching a film from the 1940's or 50's. Dark. Cynical.

A Mexican standoff reminiscent of the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". But then, a sudden sentimental ending.
