MovieChat Forums > The Chaperone (2011) Discussion > Vince bought his son-in-law a movie

Vince bought his son-in-law a movie

The only reason Triple H is the LEAD role of a movie is because he's banging Vince's baby girl. Same reason he's been WWE champ a billion times. It's true and everybody knows it.

Have respect idiots. I am legend.


Did John Cena, Kane, Big Show, or Ted Dibiase bang Vince's daughter Steph?
To my knowledge they haven't, and they all got movies before Triple H, so your logic really doesn't hold up.


Ah, you're right, I forgot about John Cena. Maybe he did bang Steph, who knows? I had no idea the other guys had lead roles though, I must be out of the loop. So those other guys carried some movies on their shoulders huh? What were the names of those?

Have respect idiots. I am legend.


John Cena was in 12 rounds and the Marine.
Ted Dibiase was in the Marine 2.
Big Show had a new one called Knucklehead, I think.
And Kane was the villain in the first WWE films movie that I know of, See No Evil.
There may be some more WWE movies that I'm forgetting.


See No Evil: Budget: $8M, World Gross - $18,564,467
The Marine: Budget - $20M, World Gross - $22,165,608
The Condemned: Budget - $20M, World Gross - $8,642,858
12 Rounds: Budget - $20M, World Gross - $17,280,326
The Marine 2: No stats, went directly to DVD.
Legendary: Budget - Unknown, World Gross - $200,393
Knucklehead: Can't even find stats on it.

With blockbusters like this, The Chaperone is bound to be a major success!!!

What are you on about, window licker?!


Other WWE/Former WWE wrestlers with lead roles in movies:

Roddy Roddy Piper
Hulk Hogan (too many to name)
The Rock (see hulk Hogan)


Knucklehead was only released in six theaters in the U.S. It made a nice $75 total.


...and the ad made it look like it could've been a good comedy.. anyone see it?


Too bad Vince couldn't buy an audience that liked this movie.

Don't worry, I'm a gun club member, I'm taking these rookies downtown.


Triple H was in Blade Trinity as well, that was a good movie

Success is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal, It's The Courage To Continue That Counts


The only reason Triple H is the LEAD role of a movie is because he's banging Vince's baby girl. Same reason he's been WWE champ a billion times. It's true and everybody knows it.

Randy Orton, Big Show, John Cena, The Rock, Stone Cold, Ken Kennedy, Kane and others have all had starring roles in WWE films; what's the conspiracy there? By the way, you do realise that Triple H was incredibly popular and was a champion prior to dating Stephanie, correct?



OP is a Stupid troll!


The only reason Triple H is the LEAD role of a movie is because he's banging Vince's baby girl. Same reason he's been WWE champ a billion times. It's true and everybody knows it.

Allright u F|_|cking troll listen up -

Triple h was already a 7 time world champion and also a maineventer even before he married steph!

Triple h had not competed for the world title since a very long time and had sidelined himself after forming dx.

He had some great feuds and five star matches.Made comeback from the injuries where other wrestlers would have already given up their careers.

All the "now popular" wrestlers were pushed to the top only by triple h..

he jobbed to batista three times in a row including a wrestlemania and a hell in a cell match, he tapped out to john cena again in another wrestlemania! how many legends did that? not even austin did it!!!!!!!!

He gave umaga,spirit squad,the legacy,shelton benjamin the push of their careers..
Not to mention sheamus as a heel!

Randy orton - u think orton would be anything without the push he recieved by being in Evolution ?? it could have been anyone else for all i know...
Do u even know that the "RKO" is actually called "ace crusher" and was triple h's finishing move when he debutted in 1995.. Not only he helped randy come up with the move but also he stopped using it because DDP [diamond dallas page] asked him to ..

Proof 1 -

Proof 2 -

Triple h debut the finisher -

And finally i wanna say u might dislike triple h as a wrestler but he is very good man in real life
dont believe me?

watch this -

And what people like u dont realise is he is the only one who is entertaining at all in raw since the pg era..
EVEN in Dx he was the only one who made jokes... shawn became a born again christian! have u seen hbk tweets ? its all about him reading bible!!
he is way more entertaining than many stars u have today ... he can be a badass heel and also the funniest guy who can make u laugh hard..

He was so good as a heel that he recieved death threats in 2000 before a match against the rock - Truth google it!!

That is why fans missed him very much when went away everytime either injury or to make a movie.
hell wrestling observers even named hhh the most missed star of 2010.. why do u think a face wrestler like the undertaker was booed when triple h returned on 21st..?
He deserves every bit of his success,popularity and fame!
Every week that fool steiner comes up in TNA bad mouthing hhh but that steroid machine doesnt have 1% of the mic skills hhh has!

Your problem is that you can't stand the fact that triple h is the son in law of the wwe chairman. jealous much of his success??
while he is counting millions ur sitting in ur mom's basement with ur broken frigging computer??



The Rock has been on WWE on a semi regular basis since before Wrestlemania and will stay on TV till next years Wrestlemania atleast.

Also to the guy who made this topic. Do some freaking research before you make stupid comments like you did. HHH had many title runs WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY before he married Stephanie. Plus if you want to blame anyone for HHH's role in the main event it would be Shawn Michaels not Stephanie.


maybe he can buy him an action role next time. this role made him job to a little girl.
