in almost every school district in the country, if you've ever been convicted from a felony, you're not allowed to partake in school sanctioned activities, such as chaperoning field trips ue



would you want a convicted felon spending time with your children? ue



Yep. How is it effed up to keep dangerous people away from kids? A man may have made a mistake, but most guys that get out of jail are repeat offenders that will more likely go back to their criminal lifestyle as soon as they get out. So
yeah, it's a good idea to keep convicted felons away from kids.



In reality, most people DON'T change.



I never said it was right
that's just the way the system works

Helena Bonham Carter was robbed


So a man makes a mistake, pays his dues but still be branded 4 life bec our society is effed up?

I am assuming that you believe that about all people that make mistakes and pay their dues.......... So if a guy that works with kids molests a few kids, gets caught and pays his debt to society he should be allowed to go back to his job working with kids? Of course not.

I don't think every person should be branded for life, but everyone let off the hook? No way.

Darling, you can't rape a townie......



In the movie, the school, principal or lisa simpson weren't informed that ray was in prison. this is most likely due to the mother and daughter "erasing" him from their lives, so never bothered to say their personal business. so, in this way, this was not a huge error...just overlooked.


The school was told that Ray was away working for the government, so no one knew except for his daughter. The mom also had no idea he went on the field trip.


Thing is, the schools will more than likely do a background check of some kind before allowing anyone with the kids in a chaperone capacity.

And I for one would not want a convicted felon to be supervising my child. I would not ever. Its not a matter of "a mistake" or someone "turning their lives around". I am a Corrections Officer and while I do believe that inmates can change, I am also a parent. And my instincts as a parent will outweigh everything else. I want my children to be as safe as possible and I will be less inclined to feel safe with my child in the care of a felon.

People that question this obviously do not have children.

Am I Insane? YES!!


I think that was one of the main points - the teacher didn't know. As another poster said, Sally and her mom had erased him and no one knew.

The thing that gets me more than this is the principal just giving out the trip schedule to some random person over the phone. At the very least you think he would have confirmed with the child's parents.
