Just watched it...

And for a non-profit low budget fan film, it was half decent. Unlike most video game to movie adaptations this one kept some what to the actual storyline. The characters looked a bit like the characters in the game. They even had Wily's Castle. However the acting wasn't the greatest and the CGI at times looked horrid. As a big Mega man fan myself (I still have mega man 1 on the NES) this was actually a good film for what they had to work with.


The CGI reminded me of things from 993. The Mid 90's Power Ranger's movie effects came to my mind as well.

I will say, I have seen better effects in a SyFy channel movie, but that's just splittin' hairs here.


There were a lot of things I really like about it, and a lot I really didn't. The whole Megaman babe-in-the-woods routine started to grate on my nerves after awhile.

Can you dig?


Rock's attitude was more annoying. Though, it sounded like the actor didn't give a damn in later parts of the film.

The movie is okay to watch if you're super super bored.
