Found Footage?

Getting really tired of these kind of movies. They really are not interesting to watch a shaky cam through out the whole movie. It just isn't. There are way better movies than this. Yes, I am sure fans of this genre are going to come and try to tear me down or even try to persuade me into liking the stuff or this genre but it will never happen. The trailer made this movie look like nothing ever really good happens. It looks like damn flashbacks throughout the whole film. Keep your build up movies to yourself. They are boring.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


You shouldn't judge a movie until you see it, *beep*


I don't have to like it or see it, just because you or someone else tells me too. Just because others love to watch a whole screen go up and down consistently, does not make it great. People rather spend hardly any money on making a film this way is stupid. Why see a movie of the genre I hate in the first place? That is obviously stupid too.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


First off, this isn't found footage.
Second, if you really hate FF movies so much, then why even waste your time
in making a post about it, especially one that you haven't even seen.
You people cry about a shaky camera, But there have been cinema verite style movies and TV shows since the mid 50's.
