MovieChat Forums > Cut Bank (2015) Discussion > Great cast, mediocre film

Great cast, mediocre film

Didn't love it, but I can't pass up any movie that has Oliver Platt, Bruce Dern, Billy Bob, and Malcovich.

Without these ~A list actors this small town thriller wouldn't have been worth a mention. Good performances all around, just a mediocre direction and plot.


Yep, some should stay away from directing movies. I would not call this thriller - it was just walk in tempo of 7x years old, half past dead - idea :-)


Agreed. Funnily it felt like a puzze with good pieces that simply don't match.

Besides the lack of timing in dialogue and direction, I think the worst point of the film was the lack of STYLE. There was not a style "gluing" things together. For instance, the colours were basic, the shots were plain, the lighting was commercial, the music was corny. Had this been filmed with a good cinematographer and a hot art director, it would have been good. Add a talented editor, you would have it great.


Mediocre direction and plot? So you saw that ending coming? Whatever! Hopefully people seriously don't listen to what many of you have said in this thread as this movie is definitely worth seeing. High quality acting and some interesting plot twists with an unexpected ending = 8 out of 10.
