Lunch box

Ok, I know, I'm a sucker for little details nobody else cares about.
But I just found it odd that the lunch box that has such value to a certain person and that was in the mail truck was send without any kind of packaging.
It seemed like a collectors item, even for people who may not have put the same value on it as the chap in this story, it was at least from the 1950s and probably something that had been found on ebay.
But even if it had no real value, who in these days would ship such an item without it even being wrapped in a piece of paper?
It just stood out to me.

Having said that, I rather liked this movie.
Quite enjoyable.

I'll get my coat.


Wouldn't have worked for the movie if it was wrapped up though. Highly doubt he bought it on ebay either, didn't look like he had a computer at all.


If it was wrapped up it would have been more mysterious.



It would have worked, and made more sense. He would simply have UNWRAPPED it, and then carried on as the rest of the movie did.


Actually, mail artists frequently send mail art without any packaging. Mostly decorated envelopes but it can take any form. I've received wooden boxes of tea and my favorite was a 4th of July musical pin. Postal carriers usually get a kick out of them.
