Over-Familiarity with the Help

Bethenny admits herself that she is over-familiar with the help. The driver (forgotten his name) was way over-familiar. She needs to act like an employer, not a friend. The driver was even sitting down with them for drinks outside.


If Bethenny goes around talking about sex and other inappropriate topics around and to her employees then she has no choice but to have an informal relationship with them. For goodness sake, her lead employee is her child's Godmother! It can't get more familiar than that.

I think I would personally keep a distance, but if they are doing what needs to get done, and they aren't hurting anyone, I say why rock the boat.

What's wrong with the driver having drinks. Should he wait in the hot car or sit in a corner alone? If Bethenny doesn't mind, neither should you.

I'm sure she'll draw the line, if she needs to.
"You have fixed your sheets and blankets, now go take a nap!" ---Ricky Ricardo


Well, keep in mind that this a heavily scripted """reality""" Tv show. They have to dream up scenes to shoot. Bethenny, I'm sure, wants to portray herself as the cool, hip, employer who hangs with her homey's and isn't above being friendly with 'the help.'

Then when the cameras shut off I'm sure she goes right back to screaming and crying and sobbing over how hard her life is and how she can't stand her husband. What a bitch. I can barely watch anymore. She is too narcissitic for me to root for.


I think you have the right idea for the most part. I am sure that the employees have a unique contract to their professions.

I am also not big on Bethenny anymore, but she is a smart cookie. She wouldn't be that open/crude with staff not under a sort of entertainment contract.

In regard to the driver....not sure how long their drive was, but anyone thinking that conversation was not planned is wrong. It is not as if they are filming car rides just to wait and see if something happens.

If you're not responding to me, "reply" to the post you're responding to. kthanks.


"What's wrong with the driver having drinks. Should he wait in the hot car or sit in a corner alone? If Bethenny doesn't mind, neither should you."

Well, while I agree in principle that he should be able to have fun too, I had to laugh at what you said. What's wrong with the driver having drinks? I don't know, maybe because he's the DRIVER. hehe


Bethenny clearly stated he wasn't going to be driving that night because he drank.


I know that; I was just amused by your wording. :)


^Are you employed? If you are, on Monday at lunchtime go to your boss's office with your lunch and ask him if it is alright if you eat your lunch at his desk. Tell him he's welcome to stay while you eat your lunch.




^They are not with her all the time. Jason specifically said that they have to leave at 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 5 p.m. Friday. No weekends.


