Title Confusion

Does anyone know why they are marketing it in cinemas and reviews as House of Pleasures, but if you search for it on IMDb, or Netflix you can only find it as House of Tolerance? This seems to me a huge mistake... in order to publicize a movie this small you need consistency. I only found it on IMDb because I was really looking and searched the director first, but people who only have a passing interest won't go to those lengths. I think the film is going to miss out on some business because of the confusion... Also House of Tolerance is a terrible title.

~If you say "I had everything under control" one more time I'm going to slap you with my guitar.~


I've had some issues recently with IMDb and their titles in translation from non-English films. What I was told is that the titles they use have to have been used in the marketing of the film by the distributors. So the translations are not IMDb's. I saw the trailer for this today in the UK and it's being marketed here as the House of Tolerance.

my vessel is magnificent and large and huge-ish


Yes, it's showing in our cinema in Bradford tonight as 'House of Tolerance'


And in french its more "Souvenirs d'une maison close" than "Souvenirs de la maison close".


Well, that is what is called, a house of tolerance. The phrase is even used in the dialogue.


In french we said "une maison de tolérance" and not "de la tolérance".
I just said they are a big difference of meaning between "d'une" and "de la".

like in from and come from etc...


When checking IMDb search title House Of Pleasures and check the year. Many movies on IMDb are off by one year when compared to Netflix. Sometimes the title changes for example 'The Professional' is now 'Leon The Professional'
"...much ado about a small detail"


I think House of Tolerance is a wonderful title, very suitable for this film. But of course, the translation should be the same everywhere to avoid confusion.


I just watched the UK DVD which has the title of "House of Tolerance". Well, to my surprise, once I was playing the movie it displayed the title "House of Pleasures". Such an inconsistency! Thus I reckon we can call the movie with either name, which is very confusing and, as you said, it will make the film miss out on some business. A sad thing, as the film is worth watching it.


This problem of inconsistency with titles when searching for them on IMDB is becoming infuriating for me. Yes foreign films are a problem, but also the many documentaries with alternative titles are proving to be a huge frustration.
