The last dialog 'spoilers'

I didn't get the last dialog when Emerson talks to Grey and Grey responds to him "And i will find the bodies at the station?" And Emerson "You will find enough" What was the point of that? Grey will hunt them down after 10 days? Did he mean the bodies at the radio station to discover them after 10 days and assume Katherine and Emerson are dead in the blast?


The way I understand it, Grey gives Emerson time to fake both his own and Katherine's death in the explosion at the numbers station. Since the explosion appears to have been quite violent, finding complete bodies in the debris would be unlikely. When Emerson says "You will find enough" he probably means to place skin samples, hair, blood etc at the scene, so that Grey can officially pronounce both of them dead. Though why he needs 10 days to do that I don't know...


Emerson already left enough evidence at the station. He needs 10 days to disappear, because she's in pretty bad shape.


Based on the way Grey was so ruthless at the beginning of the movie, I truly believed Grey would come after them in about 10 days unless Emerson keeps his words and kills Kathrine.

But then again, other replies below you seem to suggest a more proper explanation. To me, the ending is way too anti-climatic. It is the same feeling I got when I was watching 8-Miles ages ago..."What? that was the ending? boooooo"


I seem to remember Emerson taking off loads of the girl's jewellery etc, so maybe that stuff would have identified her as being there when it exploded ... I don't know.


Yes, he was referring to the jewelry he took off (and possibly other stuff I missed) that would be used for ID purposes, enough to support a cover story.


When she was sedated he cut off one of her fingers, trimmed some pubes and removed her spleen (she already had a hole in her side), these will all be found at the scene.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


I believe the 10 days was to allow them to go into hidding. Grey isn't going to try to track them down, if he wanted them dead he would just kill them in the hospital.

He was asking if they would find something they could identify the bodies at the station, Emerson replies, they will find enough. I assume Grey figured they would try to stage their deaths, and he could now just go along with that story of them being dead.

Also, Grey changes his mind on killing Katherine after Emerson tells Grey that she saved his life and took a bullet for him. I believe after hearing this, Grey now believes she can be trusted.

Also, Grey's last words to Emerson was, I was never here. Basically saying this conversation never took place. Why would he explain this to him if he plans on hunting him down and killing him later. Grey was wanting to make sure they were on the same page.


I didn't get the last dialog when Emerson talks to Grey and Grey responds to him "And i will find the bodies at the station?" And Emerson "You will find enough"

He didn't say "And I'll find the bodies at the station".. He said "And I'll find your bodies at the station". Meaning, he asked Emerson if he staged their death, to which Emerson replies "You'll find enough" [to confirm that we both are dead]..

My job is to watch stupid movies and complain about them on IMDB
