Worst use of C4 yet.

Cusack's Oprah impersonation was spot on with the "This room gets C4, and This room gets C4." However with only one detonator shown, this just looked silly.


Wireless C4? Bluetooth capability? Invisible wires? I kid, I kid...

Bam said the lady.


What do you expect from a cheap movie... The first big problem was the head of the CIA operation was some Irishman... The whole movie quickly went down from there...


He looked like a Santa throwing out gifts or big bars of candy at people at a parade.


Not just the use of the C4 is wrong but also why did he not place the C4 at the entrance when the bad guys where trying to get in? They would be blown to bits!!!


Not just the use of the C4 is wrong but also why did he not place the C4 at the entrance when the bad guys where trying to get in? They would be blown to bits!!!

I can't say that I approve of the use of the C4 in this movie but one might reason that at the beginning he was under the impression that they were being rescued so all he had to do was wait. However after figuring out that they were duped maybe he didn't want to blow the door figuring that if he did he would be removing the one layer of defense he had from anyone who might have survived the blast.

My thoughts are why didn't the bad guys just bring some C4 themselves to blow the door if it was easy enough to drill through. Blowing the door would seem to be so much faster than spending 3/4 of the movie drilling through it.
