Grey-Kent scheme

Can someone explain the scheme Grey and Kent cooked up, which was not revealed (partially) until near the end of the movie?

Originally, Grey told Kent to just go to the station and protect the cryptographer. Then late in the show Grey asks Kent on the phone if he had killed the girl yet. Why did Grey want Katherine dead? Grey was not part of the group that was planning to assassinate 15 CIA higher ups and send bad guys to attack the station and kill Katherine. (Indeed Grey was one of the 15 intended victims.)

In the hospital Grey says to Kent that Katherine has to die because "she knows too much," but that doesn't say much. What was it about Grey that Katherine "knew too much?"

All of this also raises the question of what Kent knew about this Grey/Kent scheme and when did Kent know it. At what point did Kent know that his mission from Grey was to kill Katherine?

Maybe I just missed something. Thanks for your help.


Yes, this doesn't make sense. Katherine knows very little.


In the hospital Grey says to Kent that Katherine has to die because "she knows too much," but that doesn't say much. What was it about Grey that Katherine "knew too much?"

The Numbers Stations are absolutely vital and irreplaceable to the intelligence services, but Katherine knows that;
(i) Security at one station was compromised.
(ii) It was compromised to such an extent that fake assignments were actually broadcast.
(iii) Plus she's learnt that the numbers are actually kill orders.

That's all information that Grey and his superiors cannot risk getting out into the wider intelligence community, and certainly not into the public domain.


I just assumed the CIA wanted to clean up the failed mission in their usual way - by killing all the low(er) graded operatives and then covering the whole thing up.


Can someone explain the scheme Grey and Kent cooked up, which was not revealed (partially) until near the end of the movie?
At what point did Kent know that his mission from Grey was to kill Katherine?
I think you're assuming Grey was the telephone operator throughout the main body of the film, ordering Emerson to kill Katherine throughout. He wasn't. It was an entirely different character. Grey comes back into it at the end, when he too wants Katherine terminated, supposedly because she is a liability, harking back to the film's opening scenes. However Emerson is able to negotiate a more positive outcome.🐭
