Better Than Joker

Joker is a fine film and Mr. Phoenix is a crazy bag of marbles but that's another story.

Tall Man sit in my to watch list for years while other movies would jump in front of it(JOKER). Finally, today the Tall Man came to my TV. It was like watching a great tennis match with my head going left and right while I was saying stuff like, wow, no way, holy sheet, damn she's still hot.

LOVED this flick.

I'm not gonna spoil it but at one point the van reminded me of the van in Jeepers Creepers. If I'm not mistaken the tag on that van was, BEATINGU or as one of the characters stated, B Eating U.

Watch Tall Man. Thank me later or today.

Watch Jeepers Creepers too.


I preferred Joker to this one, personally.


Joker is very good.
