Strange behaviour

When the real mother came to get her son back, I Dont get what she was doing? This is what we saw. Biel wakes up when glass breaks and then hears loud radio noises. She walks down to the kitchen where the radio is (I'm not even going to go into the fact that this is not how a federal agent (or whatever she was) behaves. Scratch that I will get into it. A woman with years of expertice in the field would not behave like that. Loud radio noises in the midle of the night is strange and out of place and therefor you are to get your sidearm and put eyes on the prise in this case the child they are responsible over.) At this time by the distraction of the radio noise we can assume the mother gets her son. Biel then she shuts the radio and takes a drink. Finds her partner down (At the very least this is the moment to arm your self and find the boy) She takes the gag of the mouth of the partner and then realizes the boy might be jepordized (duh). Biel runs upstairs (where is the real mother at this point?) then runs back down to untie the partner and then the partner who has lost the ability to talk makes facial exprecions to indicate someone is standing at the door. So where was the real mother when biel ran down the stairs? And why was she just standing at the door waiting for Biel to see her? And why oh why has she covered her face? That kind would have *beep* his pants. You would think she would have showed her own face to the kid so he would co-operate.

Furthermore when Biel pursues the van and jumps on it and then lets go of the van the real mother stops the van and walks to the back of the van opens the doors and goes into the back. We can even see that she has shut the door behind her. We can later see that the van is empty inside. There is no reason for her to get into the back of the van!!


OK, well first off, Biel's character is not a "federal agent." She works for a private underground organization that kidnaps impoverished kids and adopts them to well-off families.

The radio bit I'm not sure about, unless the nanny character somehow turned the radio on to get Biel's attention.

The real mother must have already had the kid downstairs when Biel woke up. She was just slow in sneaking him out.

I too wondered about why the kid wouldn't co-operate with his mother "rescuing" him, and why she would have to tie him, etc. I guess we are supposed to accept that Biel and the nanny had been "programming him." The mother even says something like it took him an hour to recognize her.

I liked the movie in that it went to a completely unexpected place, with that plot twist. Turned abruptly from what looked like a typical horror-suspense-thriller and made into a sort of mystery-social issue type movie instead. But I have to admit it was executed a bit sloppily. I still don't understand the nanny character, and why she didn't try to escape. The only explanation that comes to mind is that she and Biel were lovers, and she couldn't live with the idea of leaving her behind.


What about why the mother went into the back of the van? Any theories on that?


She probably heard the noise of Biel hanging or falling off the back, and decided to check it out. Saw it as an opportunity to apprehend her, I guess.


yeah but she actually went inside the empty van and shut the door behind her.


I think The Mothers Actions were

1)Tie up 'aid'
2)Turn on distractiong loud music, hide by staircase
3)run up stairs and get kid after Julia comes down
4)Hide with kid upstairs (since no more music cover) wait for mother to run for kids room , then run downstairs
This is where its unknown why she didnt just run right out and not untill Julia came back down , convincience of plot for her to be seen and chased I guess. Also at some point she probably tried to talk to the kid but I remember her telling Julia later he didnt recognize his own mother etc, although the child may have been asleep the whole time untill before the crash.
5) When she realized Julia was also on the truck , she dicided to stop , go in the back, and probably unleash the dog. Dog might have been some kind of plan B , and for whatever reason, chose not to 1-keep driving, 2-back into her, but chose 3- release fido

I forgot why the mother didnt take the kid to the Diner either though


I'm not sure the mother even turned on the radio, later in the movie Jessica Biel's friend is shown again listening to the same type of radio program, I think she was just supposed to be some type of weird fundamentalist.

I dont remember the back truck doors closing until the mother had trapped Biel inside. Before that she was looking to see what the disturbance was back there and then cold cocks Biel after the dog attacks.


Agreed. I think she opened the back and went inside to see what she heard, and whether the mother was hiding in there. She did not shut the doors behind her, at least not in the cut of the movie I watched.
