Pro-Life Propaganda

More and more of these little conservative gems here and there these past few years...


She was right to have given birth. She then should have given the baby up for adoption.

If you put me on ignore, then how can I notify you when I win the lottery?


there are over 7 billion reasons why whether it was right or wrong is a subjective notion.


Your opinion is as empty as your username. Pro-life propaganda, my A$$! That some young girl wants to keep her kid is not pro-life propaganda. Take those flipping stupid political lenses off your face and have an actual HUMAN opinion for once. Not everything in life is a political issue or "propaganda". Moron.


After her horrible life in the system? What makes you think she would have ANY trust in the state to find her baby a good, safe home? No, she kept the baby because she felt, and rightly so according to her circumstances and history, that she was the only one who could love and care for her daughter the right way, the way she never learned or experienced herself, but just instinctively knew. If i was in her position I would give my baby up for adoption over my dead body.


DID YOU NOT SEE THE FILM?! Why would she give the child up for adoption after what she has been through? Let's be real here the system sucks for children of color. So nah she had support from her very well off dad and a shelter she would be fine.


Abortion Is Never The Option! Period


Seriously??? Even if someone is raped??? That's insane.


i am pro choice. but when pregnant the baby is part of the mother too. the baby is not just the father. there are some women carry the baby to term even if they are raped and some that actually raise the baby


So... follow one tragedy with an even worse tragedy? THAT'S insane!

Shhh! Adults talking here!


Common sense doesn't work if someone made up and then brainwashed on the kids tell "how it has to work"

"She is a witch because...we say so. Drown her!!"

Fortunately in 100+ years those are all died out. It just takes a little longer for the hardcore ones.


Your post made no sense. Just like your entire position that life doesn't begin at conception. You need remedial Biology 101. A refresher course in Common Sense might benefit you as well. You liberal baby-killers like to call the newly-conceived babies other words like fetus, cyst, and burden. This is all to dehumanize, making it easier to kill without guilt. Your ancestors used to do the same thing to their slaves and their slave's children.

You are guilty, though. Those of you who engage in abortion, those who help elect officials who condone it, those who otherwise make it legal or merely easier to execute an abortion - are murderers. Own it. It all belongs to you.

You're killing babies, but projecting the 'nutjob' phrase onto those who want to save babies is the typical liberal strategy. It's an old, tired tactic. It's just a shame there's still sheeple who buy into it.

Shhh! Adults talking here!


Lets dissect this burst of "intelligent argumentation":

You need remedial Biology 101

Put that "zyst" out in the first eight weeks plus. If it survives nature wants it that way, if not then nature says "sorry". Thats biology, not your brainwashed attempt to "redefine" how it works. Life wants to survive. Then it survives. If not, then nature doesn't give it enough skills/power or anything to do it.

You redefine, that suddenly in nature, another being has to be forced(!) to give up their freedom(!) to do what they want with their personal(!) body to keep something alive that can't survive by themselves.

Get government out of my private life...errr...wait! I have made up some exceptions! If there are exceptions, then everybody can made up some.

This is all to dehumanize, making it easier to kill without guilt.

No. "We" don't kill it. Nature kills it by not giving it enough skills/development to do so. If it could survive/develop, "we" would let it. But it doesn't. End of story. Freedom trumps your made up texts.

In 100+ years we will be able to put the zyst into another woman or in a mechanical apparatus ("artificial womb") (I guess there will be 10.000 of "your kind" who will wait in line to take one, for sure!) "We" would really like that. Abortions shouldn't be done lightly and surely not used as an contraception.

We should give young people early sex education and condoms, so they act responsible and know what they are doing. And in such countries where this happens they get very low teen pregnancies and and very low abortions per year. So, creative education, freedom of the mind and teaching compassion works.

But thats the problem with absolute freedoms: they are absolute, no exceptions. That includes giving everybody the right tools to the right decisions. For them.

Your ancestors used to do the same thing to their slaves and their slave's children.

Shaming people, calling them names, calling their ancestors names...this really sound like a positive, productive discussion by someone with intelligence, knowledge and a compassion for human beings. And not a zealot.

'nutjob' phrase onto those who want to save babies is the typical liberal strategy

There are currently about 11 Million US-children who need (temporal) governmental child care. There are many children who don't have education or food. Your whole argument about "protecting" children makes no sense, because "your kind" don't show any compassion as soon as they are born.

You are spewing hate and not really caring about any of those. You simply want to control the female body and their sexuality by any means. Thats the whole shtick: women control fantasies. Asking those about these things is like asking a carpenter to fix your teared knee, wrong person, wrong skill sets, way to judgmental and short sighted. Just avoid those jerks.

I would take any "nutjob" seriously who is against (any sort) of abortion, but absolutely for the woman to have a open sexual lifestyle. Strangely, these positions doesn't match, as we seen in this posting. No real arguments, just angry spouting and name calling.

Thats the reason the liberals win and continue to win. Because your control fantasies and pseudo arguments now became pathological: you can't win, you will die out and there is nothing you can do because you lack the basics: education, scientific reasoning, common sense, everything.

The damn brain washing works. And thats so sad.


Your entire post just made my point all over again.

With abortion - it is YOU who ends the baby's life. not nature. There is no natural selection there. Imbecile.

The word is "cyst"...that's the way I meant it. That's how you people justify killing. Call it a cancer or a growth - just a piece of useless flesh to flush away.

Your entire post just confirms that it is you who are brainwashed.

And by-the-way... if you want to try and talk about lack of education as an argument, please practice proper grammar and the proper use of words. Proof-reading and editing can be a valuable ally when trying to make a point, even one as ridiculous as yours.

Thanks for trying.

Shhh! Adults talking here!


If you were truly intelligent, you wouldn't have focused on things like grammar and punctuation.

I've met brilliant doctors and surgeons who were poor spellers and weren't the best in the grammar department. You focusing on that and that alone, while ignoring the remaining arguments the poster made, prove to me that you are incapable of appropriately arguing the points made.

What about those million upon million of children who are left in foster care? On the street? Abused by their parents who did not want them in the first place?

According to you, no child should die. Children of rape, incest, children who will be born with defects that will cause them non stop pain during their short lives. That "absolute" decision "because God says so" is one of the reasons our planet is overcrowded to the point of destruction.

Hell, religious conquests, primarily from Catholics, has likely killed more babies than abortion. Religion breeds more hate and cruelty than any weapon of mass destruction or abortion clinic combined. But all in the sake of progress, right?

If you truly were godly, if you truly believe in religion, you sure as hell wouldn't be so unbearably snarky and arrogant as you are here.

That's another funny point, actually. Compare the snark, aggression and outright violence from current day religion versus current day atheism. If you talk the talk, shouldn't you walk the walk, too?

What would Jesus do? Would he approve of how twisted and distorted religion is? Not in a million years. It's as though many religious people have forgotten the golden rule. Or just don't think it applies to them.

Talk about hypocritical.


Oh, so all the pro-life activists with their violent actions are just fine, huh?

Unless you are that woman in that situation, you can shut right the hell up.

It's ironic that so many conservatives don't want the government to have anything to do with them on a financial level, but are fine with the government dictating whether women can choose what to do with their bodies.

It's also even more ironic that it's always the religious groups that are not okay with abortion, but are also heavily against birth control.

All in all, it's a moot point. At least in the west, that is.

As for baby killers, sorry but your "god" is the most despicable of the bunch, think of all the babies your "god" has killed.


You're welcome to carry the baby to term yourself. Oh wait, you can't. So what business is it of yours. Of course, you want to stick your nose in wherever you can.

Get a uterus and then get back to me.


Just because you're a self-loathing, faithless, hopeless scrunt, why kill innocent babies? Go talk to your hero, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, then get back to me.

Shhh! Adults talking here!


Oh no, someone's insulting me on the internet, the humanity! A "scrunt"? LOL, seriously, just save your breath. That's funny though, I didn't know I had a hero whose name I don't even know or care to look up. There's a difference between a baby and a fetus. It's basically a parasite sucking nutrients off of you that doesn't even know what's going on. You act like you remember what happened while you were in the womb. But by all means, continue your hopeless mission to "save babies" because you're really going to change a woman's mind about what to do with her body and what's inside of it


You're disgusting. You're not only lying about not knowing who Gosnell is, but you make excuses for using abortion as a method of birth control. Life begins at conception, babykiller. I know I have fried your nerves, which is what I wanted to do. I love knowing your blood is boiling over this. Save my breath? You'd like that, wouldn't you? Stifle the opposition to your murderous ideology. This "hopeless" mission isn't so hopeless... I'm part of the reason a lot of baby-killing clinics have been shut down. SHUT DOWN. LMAO - it's a beautiful thing! So - since I can sense that you'll need to have the last word (you can't help yourself), I'll let you have it.

So. Much. Win.

Shhh! Adults talking here!


I seriously have not heard of whoever you're talking about. I don't delve into abortion topics as much as you do, apparently.

Yeah, your delusions about abortion have really "fried my nerves", don't flatter yourself, dear. But I'm glad you still think you "win" despite not showing me any evidence other than being childish. Gold star for you. Excuse me while I go out murdering fetuses in your honor.


Poor guy can't even continue a conversation because he's used up all his "murderer" and "babykiller" cards. If you're looking to change minds on the subject that's really not the way to go. Murder is defined as unlawful yet abortion is for the most part, legal. Find another shtick because yours is predictable and overplayed.



The fetus sucks nutrients from the mother.
The mother does not benefit from this relationship.
The fetus doesn't give anything "back".
The mother experiences a sh!t load of side effects such as nausea.

Sounds like a parasite.
And don't worry, no reproduction happening here, but not because of some convo on imdb

Just so you don't get your panties in a bunch over this, I'm obviously not talking about this literally. Just generalizing in that it shares plenty of characteristics with parasites.



Did I not just show you the characteristics in my post above? I even made a nice little list for you to understand. Trust me, I took a parasitology class so I know what constitutes a parasite. But you can't show me any evidence other than just saying "no"? Sounds logical. Please, run along now.



Yes, the fetus is taking nutrients from the mother through the placenta. The mother is still loosing nutrients because of the fetus. She wouldn't be loosing any nutrients if it wasn't for this other organism. Just like a host looses nutrients from a parasite. The fetus can't survive without causing a disruption to the woman's body. The fetus can only survive inside the body of the woman (like most parasites inside a host). You can't argue with the facts.

And as I've said before, I'm not talking a literal definition here. I'm aware parasites infect other species. I'm saying that the fetus has parasitic traits.



A parasite drains nutrients, a fetus drains nutrients. This is the characteristic I'm referring to. Simple as that. I'm not talking about immune systems. You can give me all the definitions you want. I told you I'm not 100% defining a fetus as a parasite. They do have that one thing in common though. Also the side effects that come with pregnancy that harm the mother. Think about the term "parasitic twins". They do the same thing, using some characteristics. If I want to liken a fetus to a parasite then I can, if you don't, then that's your thing, whatever. Opinions are a dime a dozen.

Do you think I care if I seem like a heartless b!tch to you? Do you think I care if you think I should "breed" or not? Seriously, kick rocks and save your breath.



OK bye...

Bye bye


No, I don't have to you BABY KILLER!


you can call me a "baby killer" all you want, I really don't care. I have not personally killed or taken place in any killing of "babies" so all I'm going to do is laugh at your stupidity. Get lost.


Yeah You Never Abort A Baby Even In Rape


How about if it is deformed... Like with no arms and legs or no brain?


there are people who believe even those babies should be brought to term, and tons of videos on youtube of them documenting the babies days and sometimes weeks living with them before their inevitable death. In those cases, I can kind of see the beauty in the sacrifice that is allowing such a child to come to term and be born, if only to love them and give them a 'normal' existence for even a short time. But still. If I was in such a situation I would not even hesitate. There are a lot of women who simply aren't strong enough to see their child go through such traumatic physical difficulty, and I am not strong enough. Kudos to the ones who are.


"Seriously??? Even if someone is raped??? That's insane."

No, giving a child a death sentence for a crime committed by their biological father is insane.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Up to 9 weeks it's no more than a cyst.


Its a "control issue", not a moralic one. Women have to do what men "tell them".

In 100+ years we probably can put that embryo in a artificial womb and the apparatus gets it to term. And then someone can adopt it. Problem solved, since nothing is killed.

I wonder who will adopt these 30.000 to 100.000 kids a year, but I guess all this religious nut jobs will have solution for that then.


"I wonder who will adopt these 30.000 to 100.000 kids a year, but I guess all this religious nut jobs will have solution for that then."

As opposed to all the humanist, occultist and atheistic leaders in world history? Because we all know THEY have such a great track record. Just ask Hitler and Stalin:)!



Shhh! Adults talking here!


Good. Abortion should be illegal.


All making abortion illegal does is make people go through dangerous procedures that risk the life of the woman too. You want to lower abortion rates? Make all forms of contraception available to kids from jr high and up. Then teach them how to use them in open and frank discussions.

fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


Everyone who supported Slavery was free.
Everyone who supported Abortion was born.

That's the epitome of oppression.

BTW, shouldn't the baby have a vote in the "choice"?
Especially when it's their life hanging in the balance.

When it comes down to it, someone decides whether you are going to live or die before you are even born, yet most of these same people are against the death penalty.

Kill the innocent, spare the guilty.


"All making abortion illegal does is make people go through dangerous procedures that risk the life of the woman too. You want to lower abortion rates? Make all forms of contraception available to kids from jr high and up. Then teach them how to use them in open and frank discussions."

Botched abortions aren't especially uncommon now, and there are more Gosnell style clinics out there than the media (that admitted they didn't want to report on it because it could hurt the abortion industry) want the public to know about.

If abortion were illegal, it'd be performed by the same type of "doctors" that perform it now, legalizing it simply means there are less legal ramifications and punishments for unsafe abortions, it doesn't mean more unsafe abortions happen, no matter how much the pro-choice to kill babies crowd wants to think it does.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


How *beep* cruel would it be for a child to hear he was conceived under rape.

"I have been felt up, stalked, and called Taylor Swift. Could you please just cut me some slack?!"


You pro-life religious nutjobs (like firstblood1982) crack me up. And frighten me at the same time.

Abortion is an act of mercy. Period.

"I like them French fried potaters" - Karl Childers


Nothing says mercy like a mother having her child ripped apart in the womb.


I know, right. *beep*, some religious nutjobs here really don't seem to understand that abortion will not become mandatory. It is none of your goddamn business what a woman chooses to do with her body. I swear, some people are so damn far up their asses.

Also, I know it's really immature, but the juxtaposition of abortion to the word period (albeit unintentional) made me chuckle a bit.

"I have been felt up, stalked, and called Taylor Swift. Could you please just cut me some slack?!"


Botched abortions are more uncommon now then when they were illegal, plus if some thing goes wrong, there are doctors to treat you. Thinking that an abortion done in a clinic or hospital is just as dangerous as one done in someone's house, illegal office, or back alley just shows you to be a fool. I myself think everywoman should have a choice but only personally would support it in my girlfriend if it was endangering her life. But to make things up just makes your stance seem more ignorant and less compassionate.

fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


I want no parts of this arguement. Talking about Abortion is walking on thin ice, now I will say this: although I don't agree with it, it should be the mother's choice. Nuff said.


Enough said from you, maybe. Murder should not be the mother's choice.

Shhh! Adults talking here!


"I want no parts of this arguement. Talking about Abortion is walking on thin ice, now I will say this: although I don't agree with it, it should be the mother's choice. Nuff said."

No, it shouldn't be, because it's a clear cut fact that the choice doesn't only effect her.

She's not having herself aborted, hence it's not just a matter of her health care.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Surely there are more important things to argue about. I said my opinion, and you're going to force yours down my throat... yeah that makes TONS of sense!


Yeah how dare someone give birth and put more lives into the world? I guess your mother is a pro life fanatic since she had you instead of got an abortion.


Only a savage thinks that a woman should be forced to have her rapist baby. If she wants to have the baby fine, if she doesn't fine. I would never have a rapist child but that's just me. The problem with a lot of religious people is that they don't take rape seriously so of course they are fine with forcing the woman to keep the baby.

Independent of the rape issue I think Abortion should be legal, period. Women should be allowed to control their bodies. If a lot of religious people were serious about getting the abortion rate down they would support comprehensive sex education and making birth control cheap and easy to acquire. They don't support birth control or sex education though because most of them do not oppose abortion because they think it's murder they oppose abortion because they think that babies are punishments for women being sluts. The abortion fight is about controlling women and women's sexuality. Men should be allowed to enjoy consequence free sex but women shouldn't enjoy sex in any capacity.


Utter BS. Men don't get to "enjoy consequence free sex" and often end up paying child support for 18 years for one night of sex.

And you views on abortion and religion are so skewed and off the mark they aren't worth responding to.

"Religious people don't take rape seriously" And you base that on what exactly?

And birth control is cheap and easy to acquire and is often free at Planned Parenthood.

Your arguments are false. Debating someone like you is useless as you have no grasp of the facts and seemingly make up things in place of facts you're not educated about.

Sex has consequences for men and women.

Abortion has consequences for men and women and many women go thru major emotional problems and long-term depression after having an abortion.

Most unwanted pregnancies can be avoided with a little planning and a little personal responsibility.


"Only a savage thinks that a woman should be forced to have her rapist baby."

Not nearly as savage as condoning the 'right' to kill a baby because of a crime someone else committed.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


I disagree with that. I am pro-choice and I didn't see this as Pro-life propaganda. I do find it to be a minority that a Wall Street guy would help a homeless Teen Mother though


He was obligated to given the fact that homeless teen mother was his daughter. If it was a random stranger I doubt he would have extended that kind of kindness to her.

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly


With endless radically liberal propaganda being churned out of Hollywood, liberals complain when a few, relatively rare conservative films get mixed in...pretty amazing.

In this case, complaining that a film doesn't condone murdering an innocent human being for ones own benefit or convenience.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Nothing more ironic than conservatives proclaiming that every unwanted child must be brought into this world. Except that when they grow up, they are the most likely to be the same ones that conservatives hate and judge.


Choose Life. Adoption not Abortion.
