Is this a good movie?

It got a pretty low rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes.. but I still kind of want to see it.

Is it worth the price?


It played like a preachy, faith-based, pro-life after school special with better acting. If that's what you're looking for then you won't be disappointed,.


The acting is in fact uniformly good. The direction and cutting asre excellent. Hudgens gives an especially strong performance, Yes, the story is predictable, but so are 99% of films. Your problem is that they don’t preach your faith.


Exactly what Danny said. An afterschool special. With fading actors who appear to be deeply embarrassed in this turd.


That's not true at all. The actors are neither fading nor deeply embarrassed. How did you come to form such a ridiculous opinion? Oh, do you just go by whatever the most popular opinion is? You must be really familiar with turds if that's what you thought of when you saw this movie. You're a tool of the media and your opinions are torpid and worthless.


Yes it is, worth a watch


Don't listen to the people saying it's preachy, there is like maybe two or three scenes that talk about "faith" at the most, other than that it's actually a good movie. The acting was really good, it was easy to feel like you're watching things as they happen instead of watching people play pretend. I don't usually like movies like these, but I liked this one.

"It's so simple a six year old could figure it out."
"Quick! Someone get a six year old!"


definitely a movie for women. It was ok but it should have been one of those Lifetime movies.


Well if you want to see a movie about a irresponsible teenager with a sense of entitlement, then this is your movie.


I thought the film was enjoyable but precious was more gritty and stronger storyl


"Precious" was indeed better than this. I found this preachy and overplayed, and the dialogue felt like a constant string of speeches rather than realistic conversations. There's a good movie here whispering to get out, but instead it chose to scream. 5/10 star from me.
