New L+O

Well now that sadly L.A. has been cancelled, I think we should have a Law & Order: Vegas, or have one in Chicago maybe.


You mean L&O: Somewhere Cheap.


Law and Order: Wichita

Who am I kiddin' who am I foolin' when they be like "What's up Fatlip?" and I say "Coolin'."


Actually I think part of the reason this one failed because it wasnt in New York as the original and the others. I dont think moving it to another city would help. Keep it in New York!


That was probably the 2nd biggest reason I didn't care for LOLA. There was no charm of NY back scenery and people, and sound of the streets. A lot of the original was on the real streets of New York, the real courthouse backdrop.

A lot of the New York charm came from more than the streets even....the bars, the hotel rooms, luxury apartments, bodegas, bridges, tunnels etc


I agree with box 398, I always said the real star of L&O was the city of New York. The images and energy of the city and its people is what was so special about the original L&O


The reason LOLa failed was because they didn't show gas station signs, with gas prices.


On a serious note, I think a great show would be, "Law & Order:Fed." They could show how FBI agents and DOJ Prosecutors handle cases in NYC, and have occasional cross overs with SVU. In fact, they could use Vincent Spano playing the same FBI agent he plays sometimes on SVU and the Federal Prosecutor who was on a few episodes (the actress who played the title role in "Jackie Brown"). That would be a great series. Another idea would be to have a couple of characters from L&O transfer over to the new series.


I think the L&O franchise has tubes up its nose, but I actually like that idea.


I have to agree the L&O franchise has about run it's course with SVU good for another season or two. I am not sure a L&O:Fed would do all that well unless they were working out of their area like with 'Without a Trace' where they handled every missing persons case in NYC...sorry that's not what the FBI does. Today's FBI is all about terrorists(I am glad they do it),RICO and white collar crime. Even bank robberies, unless it's a Bonnie & Clyde or Dillinger type, are handled by local law enforcement and prosecutors. It would be tough to make a series work within those topics, but with the right characters...maybe a season or two.


whhooaaa...hey that is a great idea.


L&O UK seems to be doing alright just starting its 5th season. How about a try at something like L&O Juárez?


I can't resist saying L & O Canada.


The car chase scenes would be kind of a ratings downer....
