Last burial

During the last burial two guys showed up. Were they the talibans left from the fight or just some local people?


I wondered that too.

A man chases a woman until she catches him


in my oppinion they were clearly some man that were left from the taliban!

why would there be random people wandering that far in the mountains? and just after huge combat...

doesn't make sence


The point seemed to be that the people of the area are not enemies, but are forced/compelled to fight by leaders.

I have found that middle east people find it very important to respect others -- that seems counter to the 'American stereotypes' but much of our problem in the middle east is that we do not interact with them to listen, and be heard.


They were the Taliban warriors, which is why they came with their hands up. But they no longer had a reason to kill them or stay engaged in combat (they would have gained nothing from that).

Not sure if you noticed earlier in the film, but when they fled down the mountain after the French stood their ground, the Taliban soldiers did not want to fight anymore, but the leader compelled them to do so, Stalin-style.

Of course, if they didn't capture/kill the reporter the leader would have been excommunicated from the Taliban, so for him it was do or die at that point.


Thank you for your reply. However it's been a year since I saw the movie and my memory isn't that clear so I don't remember the scene you're referring to.


I think the scene is a couple of days into the trek towards the mountains and the soldiers say they are tired of running. They stand their ground and eventually the Taliban soldiers retreat. They meet up with the leader who sends them back - after killing the one who said the Hindu Kush would kill Elsa.


I think they were probably local villagers. I've noticed in this movie all the bad guys wore the black turbans while the good guys like the ones in the village below the mountains wear white turbans and that's also how the French soldiers can tell them apart in battle.

I do wonder why those villagers who helped with the burial didn't find any other help for them, cause if they were wandering around there must be a village nearby.

And they never explained by the terrorist leader Zaief was able to get across the mountains so quickly and what happened to the rest of the terrorist force, maybe they all died in the mountains?
