MovieChat Forums > Stolen (2012) Discussion > Another Father saves Daughter film?

Another Father saves Daughter film?

There are tens of thousands of novels written yearly and a solid 200 very good novels over the past 3 decades or more that have never been put to the big screen and we get this kind of crap?

Seriously? Come on Hollywood. The only films that blow it out of the park these days are blockbuster Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror and Animated Films by PIXAR or Dreamworks.

There are a good dozen murder mystery cop dramas flooding the airwaves.

Not enough cat burglar flicks? How about injustice films? How about a dozen more remakes from the past?

Yeah, that's the solution!

How about more movies of the Supernatural? I know! How about we do a blockbuster of Plastic Man! Wonder Woman! Shazaam!

We might as well. We had to watch Airwolf, The A-Team and a bunch of other crappy shows in the 70s/80s let's turn them into Big Films!

When does Hitchcock get butchered with remakes of Rear Window, North By Northwest?

There are so many big books that could come to the big screen.

Clive Barker's Imagijica, The Great and Secret Show, Weaveworld, Terry Brooks Sword of Shannara, The Wheel of Time, Tad Williams Otherland Series, or how about a movie adaptation of ``The Illuminatus! Trilogy?''

You could introduce much of the world to the fnjords.

There are tons of works, like Kushiel's Dart from Jaqueline Carey that would really put a spin on the Medieval world and S&M.


Did you mention that this is a very similar plot with one of Cage's very recent films,"Drive Angry"?

