MovieChat Forums > Stolen (2012) Discussion > What's up with Nicolas Cage?

What's up with Nicolas Cage?

He's a pretty good actor, so why does he keep making bad action movies?


his rent is due


Yeah he's getting eccentric in his advance years. I mean he did marry Michael Jackon's ex-wife. I think he'll continue to do these flops until studios just say 'enough is enough' and he will fall deeper into obscurity.


He's in financial bankruptcy. I wish people would actually bother to point this out more often, instead of making up excuses in order to bash him.


But can't an actor of his size be more selective about the roles he accepts? It's not like he's making 5 movies a year either...


he keeps making bad movies because hes a bad actor. Also hes in crippling debt and has been for like a decade now.

-If Irony were Strawberries we would all be drinking smoothies right now.


For the last ten years he has been one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. He makes three to five movies per year (except 2008) at about $5M each. Last year he made over $20M. The only reason he is in "crippling" financial debt is because he is a dead beat, nut job. He doesn't pay his taxes and he spends like Michael Jackson. He lets the IRS penalties and interest pile up and he says he can't pay. He's his own worst enemy. That simple. Don't feel bad for Nic Cage.


I think someone should post the bizarre items that he wasted his money on. Crazy sculptures, exotic animals... he was almost more eccentric than Michael Jackson.


the real question is why does Nicholas Cage keep getting action movies when quite clearly he doesn't have the physique nor face for it. A balding head with receding hairline doesn't have any fighting power.


He's a very talented actor. He's much more convincing than guys half his age with better physiques. He really needs better scripts. He can only do so much with turd scripts like these.
