MovieChat Forums > Stolen (2012) Discussion > The voice in the trailer

The voice in the trailer

Am I the only who thinks that the voice in the trailer is awful?? It makes that it look like a trailer from the 80's or something!


No, I thought the same thing. It's totally outdated. lol


Makes it out look like a VHS trailer from 1993.


yeah since in 93 there was normal with vhs more like 83 haha


Absolutely awful! I can't take the movie seriously for a second. The trailer, the poster, the plot...
If you want an explanation why he keeps doing this watch the youtube vid "Nicolas Cage's Agent".

You're going to die screaming and I'm going to watch. Am I telling the truth?


Does anyone else notice how he says Nic Cage's name at the end? Nicolas Cyahge.


It doesn't bode well for your film when even the voice over guy can't hide the fact that it looks terrible...


Yeah, did the guy who does the normal "movie voice" die? He was much better than this crappy voice.


I'm so glad other people noticed this. The trailer was already awful before his voice comes in. I thought it was a fake trailer for a second there. Josh Lucas looks and sounds absolutely ridiculous.


If you're talking about Don Lafontaine, yes he did die several years ago. However; there are much better trailer voices out there than the tripe heard in this one.


Sounds like a voice-over for a trailer that's going straight to DVD.
