MovieChat Forums > Stolen (2012) Discussion > My comment about the, air quotes, writin...

My comment about the, air quotes, writing.

David Guggenheim, while putting words down on a piece of paper or into a computer is technically considered an act of writing, I would like to inform you that what you did was an assault on the form.

That. Was. Horrendous.

I could go into Freshmen composition classes at community colleges all across the USA this afternoon and find endless stories more intelligent and considered.

However, that said, what you did was entertaining. I was able to witness a former A-list star go slumming in the worst possible way yet again. I do find that intriguing.

If someone has pandered to you and seriously gave you positive feedback about anything you wrote during the process, they were stroking you, man. All I could think was that you're somehow attached to the money on this thing. There's no logical reason your script should exist to the point of a finished film.

A typical response to criticism such as this usually involves something along the lines of, "Where's you movie, hotshot?" Trust me on this, if I ever had the choice to put my name on something of this low caliber or take a pass, I'll choose the latter.

Here's a clue: when you show your characters doing something that supports the plot, they don't have to also lecture another character about what we've just witnessed.

You wrote this script. It got made. The universe confuses me.


Turns out the writer is the former editor of US WEEKLY, so that explains why his particular crap floats to the top of the bowl and doesn't get flushed. It's an industry insider politics/circle jerk. Typical for Hollywood. Same as it ever was.

A bunch of media executive types playing for or repaying favors to a magazine guy that's been running the PR machine for their stars. That's got to be the only reason his stuff is seeing the light of day. It's mediocrity is appalling.

I don't know you from Adam, but there's just no other logical explanation. You either know a ton of power people that owe you, or you're loaded with cash and are willing to spend your way into relevance; maybe both?

David, if you ever read this, your writing truly sucks, dude. It's a collection of tired tropes and cliches' wrapped up in terrible exposition dialog.

No amount of propping up from connections you've made over the years is going to change that. You want a realistic barometer of your skills? Seriously, hire a 19 year old with your bags of money and send them to one of those creative writing classes with your work tucked under their arm and see how your stories get ripped apart when they're forced to stand on their own outside of the industry bubble.


You're an arrogant moron, frustrated with the world for not recognizing the intelligence and talent that you believe yourself to possess, who hasn't even managed to figure out that aesthetic assessments are subjective.

You're the first one of those I've run into on the Internet.

And if you believe that, boy do I have a bridge to sell you.


And I subjectively, in all my intelligence and arrogance, thought it was crap.


You don't need air quotes when you're writing.

You could've just said - My comment about the "writing" and it is very clear in itself what you mean
