Big Disappointment

I usually like Milla Jovovich but this film was a big disappointment. Her acting is lazy and stereotypical. The little boy is a brat and not at all likeable.

This film is boring!!! The best thing about it is Milla's outfits...


hmmm I actually liked Milla in this. I usually find her acting to be really awful because she tends to overact everything.

But her more theatrical and grandiose style of acting was very suitable for this movie because of the film/Hollywood motifs throughout it: Olive is living her life like she's in a film (her warped version of a Hollywood film at least) and always performing for people, so I think Milla's typical over-the-top performance fit in nicely.

But I did really find the kid annoying. I wanted to smack him.


I agree, this movie is a big disappointment. I like Milla, Marcia and Bill, in fact, I chose the movie because of these stars. But, the story is boring and tasteless. There is no effective way of getting the audience to feel the real bondage between the mom and the child. The only real good things in this movie are the shots of the train and the spacious villa.


aphrodisiaciix wrote:

There is no effective way of getting the audience to feel the real bondage between the mom and the child.

I hope to god you mean the bond or bonding between the mom and the child, and not the bondage...?


Bondage. lol

I thought it was great. I could definitely see how close Bobby and Olive were. I don't want to write any spoilers, but I really liked it.

You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk-proof robot!


Ooops... sorry and thanks gilknut... "bonding" indeed... not "bondage"... my bad! :-)


this is exactly what i liked about the movie as well - Milla's outfits... :)
