Check listings

Did you catch the blood vessels drawn on with a felt pen?
I've seen both my mother and father after dead (in the hospital FRESH!) and there were no blood vessels showing like that! These writers need to visit a morgue and look at the dead and mangled before they try writing!

Sometime the old stuff is better than this junk.
If you check the listings, you may find the good old sci-fi/horror stuff on AMC or TCM, but its usually late. Even FX has some good stuff once in a while.
Check your listings and check them often, especially on the weekends late at night/early morning. Even a part of the series of the 50-foot (he played Glen Manning?) man was on early this morning, but I only caught the last 15 minutes.

It seams SyFY would rather spend good money on new junk movies, when they could save that money, and instead of 2 or 3 junk movies at least make a good one!
Or better yet save that money longer and run some of the old stuff or rent the rights to show them!

Thank you for your time,

Phil, Ohio, USA!


Actually the funniest part of this film is the alcohol putting out the flames... what the heck?
