The Brother

What do we know about Christopher's brother Richard? He seems to have had a few issues, what with ending up sharing their mother's bed!


I was wondering the same thing!

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.


Shared but not in a sexual way from what I gather, Richard being homosexual and all. There's not really a lot of info about him but he seems to have probably been schizophrenic, failing that he was known to have a lot of unconscious ticks (like the winking eye)


Richard was also homosexual?

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.


Yeah it's brought up in the book "Kathleen and Christopher: Christopher Isherwood's letters to his mother".


When he stared at Heinz across the dinnertable, it was a giveaway.

But, in their first scene together, Richard is pleading with Christopher to go with him to Berlin. Was that because he was already aware of the city's notorious gay subculture and wanted to take part in it, perhaps from what his brother had said?


I just saw the film. I was shocked at the end of the movie, where it was mentioned Richard sharing the bed with him mom. Christopher stated to his mom his brother's mental health was her fault. Maybe he was hinting she was too overprotective. Then again, it might have been incest, who knows.


That hair-do would be enough to wreck anyone's life!
