MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > utter crap, just what the hell happened ...

utter crap, just what the hell happened here?

I swear they didn't even try to put this film together in an entertaining or coherent way, it was just a load of stuff that happened and it was utterly emotionless..and boring.

Shockingly bad imo.


I just saw it on Cinemax. Gotta agree that it fell way short compared to the first. Matthew Vaughn needed to direct. So many missed opportunities and sloppy direction. Over the top even for Kick-Ass... just didn't work. Too bad. If they start fresh with a new Mindy story and forget all that other junk there could be room for a stand-alone Hit-Girl movie. Chloe is the real star now anyway.


I just saw it on Cinemax. Gotta agree that it fell way short compared to the first. Matthew Vaughn needed to direct.
It was almost like someone described the first movie to the director and said Ok, go make a sequel. It was just a bunch of people kicking the crap out of one another, with none of the humor or charm, if that's the right word, from the original.


it was pretty bad and disjointed, the character developments where just no really good, plus it was boring, i forgot it was suppose to be a action movie

Show one and All a Stoney Heart and Sink them with It.




Come on, it wasn't that bad.


Honestly I was just watching thinking, what, I know it had some bad reviews but I don't pay any heed to that, on watching though it was just bad in places and totally unremarkable in others, I've forgotten a lot already.


Completely agree guys, total rubbish to the point a year on i still feel hatred towards this film, purely because of the level of disappointment i felt and the potential they ruined. Just today the writers have slagged off Jim for distancing himself from the film, he was right to as i think during filming he couldn't have known what trash he was involved in. Besides his comments would have made them more money as people went to see what he was on about imo.


Quite a bit of irony on Jim's actions, considering his character was also anti-guns, there were much less shooting scenes in the film... and didn't his last film involve his character gouging someone's eye out or something?

"In High school I was Captain of the Machine-gun Team!" Nick Deezy


terrible movie, boring, incoherent, disguisting and filled wjth unfunny immature jokes.


Great movie!


20% was gold. The other 80% was barely-tolerable weakness if you haven't read the comic books, or 80% intolerable garbage if you have.

I`m sorry for my lack of manners, but I`m not used to escorting men.
