One Huge Plot Hole!

The scene at the gas station is the biggest plot hole! Paul planted the gun in Jenna's hand to make it look like she killed Dean. No way could this be possible with the position of the bodies and the physical beating that Jenna took! Evidence would show that Dean was shot at close range and Jenna's was far away, ballistics and other evidence would prove this.

If that is the case then Paul would be brought into the investigation since he was the only other person involved with this abduction and his DNA might be found on Jenna or for that matter on Dean to connect him with this crime.


He planted the gun in Dean's hand. That's why he said "The thing that you tried before (aka suicide), second time's the charm." The camera also shows him bending down over dean's body.


He planted the gun in Dean's hand. That's why he said "The thing that you tried before (aka suicide), second time's the charm." The camera also shows him bending down over dean's body.

That's right.


I know I'm over-analyzing it, but it's always funny how people plant guns in others' hands to make the situation seem like a murder/suicide, but a simple investigation would prove there's no gun shot residue on that person's hand to have fired it. If the movie had continued further, that puts a 3rd person there. I just like to wonder how everything played out beyond the credits


Ditto. That's why it was so dumb for him to even show up at the house after the murder. It's like they wanted to add an extra 15 minutes to the film. The minute cops do testing and realize there's no gunpowder on the guys hand (although he was shooting at the kids earlier, so maybe there actually is), the main character would become a suspect.


Wouldn't the blanks from earlier leave residue?

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Yeah you do, you see him wipe down the doors, and take away the bottle he was drinking from, which is enough to suggest that he cleared all evidence of him being there. They aren't exactly going to show the hour he spent cleaning the place.


Not only that but gun residue on the guy's hand, unless blanks leave residue too?


Typically, yes, they do. They use gunpowder the same way regular cartridges do. The ones in this story presumably did. The guy had everything else figured out, seems unlikely that he would miss this.

"A blank is a type of cartridge for a firearm that contains gunpowder but no bullet or shot. When fired, the blank makes a flash and an explosive sound (report). Blanks are often used for simulation (such as in historical reenactments, theatre and movie special effects), training, and for signaling (see starting pistol)."



There are many plot holes here... & the film was poorly developped. The idea would have given enough material to make something really interesting and believable out of it. I think they made it in a hurry. Shame.


Two completely different guns. The gun with blanks was switched with the actual gun with bullets that Paul shot and killed him with. In either case, yes still wont have gun residue with the gun that was placed in his hand.


There would be gunpowder residue on the corpse's hand from the blanks he fired earlier. That would be sufficient evidence when conducting tests.
