Sexual, sensible, deep

...almost characteristic of European moviemaking.
All that puritan old US is not.



i concur and witty humor. Watchin american rom comz makez me cry but not 4 rite reasonz...

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


The ending is horrible.

As soon as the guy did a "sweet" and "crazy" thing to say that he actually did poke, the girl was like "Okay all fine now!" She would have been a stronger female character if she said to him "You had your chance", then moved on.


I thought the exactly same thing as you as the movie ended VargenSWE, med andre ord kunne jeg ikke vært mer enig.


A tad unrealistic, though - in the same way that almost all movies like this are doomed to fail: They aim to portray an outcast or an oddball of sorts, but (for obvious reasons) wind up casting an attractive actor or actress in the role, thus rendering the whole situation completely unbelievable. Sorry, but a girl looking like Alma simply does not get ousted by the entire school like that, over a story like the poking incident. No way.
